Tuesday, October 30, 2007

30 Oct 2007

Hello all. The mission field is great. I am constantly being reminded of how blessed I am.

So first off, a random bit of fact: I hear the deodorant and toothpaste in Japan is terrible, so that may be something to look into (wink wink).

I got Sarah's package Wednesday! Talk about bringing sunshine into my soul, having MoTab sure does it for me. I really really appreciated that Sarah!

I also got your package mom. I really appreciate it too.

So the other day, I got my triple combination in Japanese embossed with my name. It is sooo super spiffy! They put the name with the spine on the right side. I love Japanese. Flipping through a book right to left really makes my day. I am really beginning to understand it! I have read a couple verses a day, and I have definitely improved. I feel so cool. Haha, this is evidence that the MTC is getting to me. I find pleasure in the smallest things. We are sooo sooo cut off from the world here. We were thinking that if another terrorist attack happened, we wouldn't even know because no one would tell us! I hear the Rockies made it to the World Series, though. My branch president is a big baseball fan. Its a shame they were down 0-3 to the Red Sox! What an evil empire. I now like the Rockies.

Well, my companion is fine. We have our different ways of doing things. He is senior, which I think he needs. He was a Verizon salesman right before coming here, so he has a little bit of that salesman "spirit" in him. :-) We get along pretty well. Sometimes, it is much harder than others, but we just have to deal. He is very very very much from Spanish Fork. He knew of one black person at his high school. Sometimes it is a little hard trying to connect with someone who has been in the Utah bubble his whole life, but there are definitely advantages to it as well. He speaks very well. He is a really effective teacher. Between the two of us, we are probably the most fluent speakers in our district. It is great.

I saw Alan Potts yesterday! It was soooooooo good seeing him. My district happened to be taking a walk outside with our sensei, and he snuck up from behind me and got me in a big hug. I love that guy. He will soooo be an old married man when I get back. Haha, it was a really lovely surprise.

Well, I have a testimony of SYL. As a district, we have started speaking exclusively Japanese at all mealtimes and to and from meals. I think we are about ready to "level up" as my sensei often says.

It is really nice here, because we have one native speaker, and one not for our teachers. Tsuchiya Sensei is an awesome teacher. He is a crazy Japanese man. We have a whole lot of fun with him. He is taking 17 credits at BYU, and teaching there everyday as well. He is a very very busy man. But we have really set the tone to help him relax when he comes to teach us. He is majoring in linguistics! And he is also trying to pick up Icelandic just for fun. Wow. Foster Sensei is also cool. It is easier learning Japanese from someone who just had to learn Japanese a little while ago. He went to Hiroshima a couple years ago, and I hear it is sooo ridiculously pretty. He is engaged, so it is fun to bug him about that :-) I have found that when I testify, I have a much better day. Unfortunately, some days me and my companion never get around to testifying, and I feel awful. Even when we do little exercises in testifying in Japanese in class, I feel so much more happy. We testify solely in Japanese. One of us will testify, and the other will interpret. Even when we are doing testifying exercises in class, I feel loads better.

This week, we are teaching a lesson in Japanese. I figure it will actually be way easier. A lot of the time, the most simple statements have the greatest impact. Since we only really know simple statements, it should have the greatest impact. As long as we ask questions and share scriptures and constantly be testifying, the spirit will abide with us and guide our tongues.
One of the biggest ways we reach people is by showing our love for them. When they can feel that we truly care for them, they are sooo much more willing to open up and share their feelings.

Hilary -- stick with it. School and driving and friends can be stressful, but through the Lord, anything is possible!

Spencer -- I played catch the other day, and I totally thought of the good ole' days at the ballpark

Willie -- Braces stink, but they are soooo worth it.

Well, I appreciate all the love and prayers. I can definitely feel more help from the other side. It is wonderful.

Have a great week y'all!

~Elder Hogge

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

23 October 2007

Hello all. The MTC is still chuggin along...things are just fine. I am thankful for my righteous upbringing and all the wonderful support I have received just in the past month. Oh yeah, workin on a month! Time flies when you're serving the Lord.

So the other day, while me and my companion were outside, a couple of elders came up and testified to us. One of them was an elder from Nigeria! I had never been in such close contact with an African, so I had to hug him! His accent was soooo sweet. Ah, the little things.

That is when you know you have been in the MTC a long while. Eigo (English) Elders are coming and going like last weeks news. Not that I'm jealous or anything, but I want to get out into the field really bad.

So my service activity here is taking down the gym after fireside and devotional sunday and tuesday. Last week, when I went to work, guess who I saw? Elder Browning. That's right. We have the same service! What a once in at least 50 shot. It is sweet having someone from home to see every once in a while.

Speaking of fireside, Sister Sheri Dew came and spoke this past week. She was really good. My companion was fearful that all the elders would come out feeling really bad and all the sisters would come out feeling like a million bucks, but all was well. She talked about having an interview with President Hinckley. She admitted she had made a mistake, and told President Hinckley: "I wish I were smarter." Without hesitation, President Hinckley replied: "I wish you were smarter too!" Haha, the prophet is truly an incredible man. The sense of humor is icing on the cake!

Thanks for the talk, dad. I haven't had the chance to read through it all, but I liked the intro. I thought you weren't one to write down everything you say...?

We had our first snow here. It was soooo refreshing and wonderful. Sometimes being here reminds me of school last year, and I get a tad "outside-world" sick, but then I think about Japan! Totally worth it.

It is so awesome hearing about Jesse's call. Somebody should tell him that he will totally rock the MTC. Especially in basketball. Even I feel good about myself here! Needless to say, there is a reason many of the elders here are on missions and not in the NBA.

Oh, speaking of gym, volleyball is amazing! I think of Paul everytime I play. I remotely regret not playing during high school. I know Paul and Bryce would have really liked that.
The language is moving along...moving along...starting next week, we will be teaching exclusively in Japanese. I am not worried, but that doesn't mean I am not humbled. I know I can't teach in Japanese. But with the help of the Lord, anything is possible! The older elders here are leaving for Japan in less than a week, and they are stoked about it! I am sooo excited for them. That means in a couple weeks, we get kohai (new elders)! I am so ready to be one of the older elders around here.

So I bought little colored tabs to put in my scriptures, and it makes me feel really awesome about myself. Haha, as sad as that may seem, I feel like more of a scriptorian now! The tabs make it legitimate! I'm telling you! I challenge all of you to read about Aaron, one of the sons of Mosiah. The change in him is amazing! Read Alma 21:5-13. That is Aaron preaching as a "flip book" elder and getting cast into prison. Ammon gets him out and goes on a split with him. Now read Alma 22:4-11. Notice a change? Instead of teaching a lesson, Aaron started teaching the people. That is what we have to do as missionaries. Quit focusing on the lesson, and start focusing on what we can do to help the people!

Well, Fare thee well, people of the west. May the Lord be with you always!

Elder Hogge

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

16 October 2007

So the days have flown by! Things are going wonderfully. I have had the opportunity to bear my testimony everyday, and it is surely a strengthening experience.

So there is one older Sister in my district named Hogg Shimai! Our names sound exactly the same! When we get to Japan, we will get name tags with our names in katakana, and our name tags will have the same name on it! Crazy eh? Well, last Friday, we had an LGM and I played piano and she conducted! It was marvelous. The speaker got a kick out of that. I have started to play piano for more meetings now. I absolutely love piano, and I become more happy with all the opportunities I have to serve by playing. Good feelings all around.

So I want to direct you to D&C 123:12. I don't have my scriptures with me, but the scripture really applies to us at the MTC preparing to go to Japan. The people there have been confused, and have never caught a glimpse of life across the veil. They don't know where to find the truth, but we have it, and we are going to bring it to them. It is so exciting! I have found new ways to pump myself up everyday. Usually, the best way is to bear my testimony! Truthfully, I get half scared to death when I go in to teach a lesson. But apparently the spirit likes me or something, because my mouth has been filled with words I didn't even know I had in me! I have been leaning upon the spirit more and more everyday, and I just keep feeling better and better.
Speaking of scared half to death, I have gone to the Referral Center many times in the past couple weeks. That's where people call in to request something from the commercials we air on TV. I get soooo ridiculously nervous when I go. I don't really like talking on the phone. But by the time I am halfway through, I am bookin and time flies and all is well. I have done a bunch of confirmation calls, and one of the calls I had was to a 24 year old girl in Olney! I wasn't sure if Mindy is still there, but I sure hoped that I could get in touch and say "hey, can I send my sister around? She could help you feel wonderful." But unfortunately, there was no answer. I have called several people who have just been delighted with the gospel! You can tell the gospel has blessed them tremedously, and their hearts are full. One girl I spoke to has had the missionaries over twice a week consistently, and she was just soooo incredibly happy. I can't wait to head on over to Japan and help others experience the blessings of the gospel. I am sorta going through tracting withdrawals. I went with the missionaries in Sacramento so often, that I just want to get into the outside world and share the gospel as fast as I can! There are worse things, right? :-)

Well, another thing that has really motivated us a district was a talk Prsident Kimball gave in the 70's. It was his first talk since he was ordained either apostle or president. In it, he promised there would come a day when 5,000 missionaries will be coming out of South America, and he listed off a couple more places, and then he got to Japan. He promised that 10,000 missionaries will be GOING OUT OF, not coming into, Japan! The Japanese people will feel the truthfulness of the gospel, and they will be a great blessing to the world. I know I can further the work through the help of the Holy Ghost.

Well, the Japanese is going great. The older missionaries have just started "nihongo dake" time. (only Japanese). I can carry on a good long conversation in Japanese now, and I know it is through the help of the spirit. Last night me and my companion bore and translated our testimonies to a couple of English elders in Japanese. Oh how marvelous it is to feel the spirit in a different language! This has really helped me understand that the spirit really is a real thing. My goal is to be able to emanate with the spirit wherever I go. If people can say "hey, something feels really good about having those elders over" then I know I am doing what I am supposed to.

Well, I know that my Redeemer lives, and I know that this is the restored gospel on the earth today. Fare thee well, friends and family. I appreciate the dear elder letters. They come in the twinkling of an eye.

Elder Hogge

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

9 October 2007

Well, another week is done here at the MTC. Time seems to fly when you are on the Lord's errand. Everything is planned out! It is crazy! Watching General Conference on the big screen in the Gym was way awesome! I didn't fall asleep once -- it was a miracle! I thought Elder Wirthlin's talk was sooo powerful with what was going on. Is he alright? We are shut off from everything in the outside world here.

Happy Birthday Spencer! 15 was my favorite year. I had the most fun just bein my goofy self. I hope school and everything is going well. I hope you love AP Chem like I did. It just felt sooo much nicer to be given credit as a person to work on my own in the college class.

The Japanese is really coming along. When we SYL, things go sooo much better. Our sensei's are so awesome. One of them is a native speaker, and he is way energetic so he gets us pumped up to learn.

So, it really is a small world. Elder Elledge, one of the elders in my district, is from Clovis and he knew Sarah Taylor! Pretty crazy, huh?

Well, I really am learning how to work. I think that I am finally starting to adjust to the intense, 12 hour work schedule. It is sooo refreshing to study from scripture everyday. They are so good to me! Haha.

I just can't wait to serve the people of Japan! I want to get out there and do it now! Just send me with what Japanese I know! Haha.

Last week, the TRC went well. We first met and talked to an investigator and invited her to listen to our message in Japanese. We were horrible! It was funny how much we slaughtered our words and sentences. But I hear that is pretty normal from the first TRC visit. We then taught the Restoration for 35 minutes. My companion and I made a really good teaching combination...We had a plan, but for the most part, we just "winged it" by the Spirit in asking the investigator questions. This week, we are preparing to do door approaches in Japanese. Slightly intense, but I think we will be fine.

I think that the key to my happiness here has been my willingness to trust the Lord. It could be very very easy to get totally overwhelmed with the new language (we have decided that the english speaking missionaries have a cake walk in the MTC) and learning how to teach. When I convince myself that the Lord knows me better than I know myself, and that He will prepare me for this trip across the world, I am comforted. Must be the Holy Ghost, eh? It is sooo vital to have the Spirit. Missionaries need the help of the Spirit to provide a witness to the people that the teachings are true. I like how mostly all of the General Conference talks meant something totally different and I could apply in such a different way than I could back home.

Being with a companion takes a bunch of work. I think Dad was right when he said that I will learn patience. It is totally true.

Well, I hope everyone is healthy and doing well. I am. The older missionaries in our residence hall really help us not feel overwhelmed. They are soo nice and soo fun. I have learned to love so much more here! I love everybody! I love you too Mom!

I am just about out of time, so I will catch ya'll on the flip-side!

Elder Hogge

P.S. I think it is okay for everyone to email me. However, I should only email "the folks". Right now, www.dearelder.com is way more convenient to get to me anyways.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

2 October 2007

Hello all! First week in the MTC has been wonderful. My Preparation Day is on Tuesday, obviously. :-) It is kinda scary being out here, but it truly is a marvelous work and a wonder. We have had 5 days of Japanese study, and we have already gone through most of what I learned in 4 years! It is so amazing what you can do when you have the Spirit to help you! My companion is from Spanish Fork and he was a member of Men's Chorus. He is quite a character! Haha.

Gym is the best thing that has ever happened. Yesterday, basically my whole floor went across the street to the field to play beach volleyball, kohai (new elders) versus senpai (older elders). It started to rain in the middle of the game, and it was sooooo refreshing! Don't get me wrong, I love wearing suits all the time, but it was nice to go barefoot in the sand with nice crisp air to breathe. Ogden Choro (Elder Ogden) from my hall at BYU is just a couple doors down from me. He is sooo fun! He is one of the senpai, and he knows the language sooo well. Many of the other senpai are inspirational. They are soo humble in their learning of the language, and they have turned their will over to God.

You can see it in their eyes.

Well, speaking of humility, I have been humbled very very much by the great task ahead. I have already gone through an emotional rollercoaster. But last night, I received a witness of the divinity of this calling. I literally felt a burning inside of me, telling me that God loves me. The joy I felt was amazing! I wanted to share that feeling with everyone around me! Already, I can't wait to be over there in Japan to help the people feel the joy of the gospel in their lives. I love serving!

The food here is just as I expected from having a year's worth of it at BYU. I like to think I am kinda expert about it. The chocolate milk is amazing, and the ice cream is to die for. Don't worry mom, I am being fed well!

I have found that I feel my best when I am sharing my humble testimony with others. Sunday, I gave my whole testimony in Japanese after just learning how to testify the night before. I am living proof of the gift of tongues! When you are focused on the Lord's work, everything "works out for your good."

We have had several LGM's (Large Group Meetings) in the past couple of days, and I absolutely LOVE President Boone. Everytime he speaks, you can feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost. He makes all of us happy inside.

From just the couple of days here, I have felt a dramatic difference in my countenance on days that I read the Morumonsho (Book of Mormon) and days that I don't. There is sooo much going on here, with all of your day scheduled, that sometimes we don't prioritize as we should. The Book of Mormon lifts my spirits everytime I even glimpse at it! If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith really was a prophet of God, this gospel truly is the restored gospel, Jesus really is our Christ, and God really is our Heavenly Father. Such is the converting power of the Book of Mormon.

Tell Hilary I felt inspired to pray specifically for her last night. The Lord loves her.

Tell Spence and Willy that there is no time like the present! To Spencer, work on bringing friends to church. To Willy, love freely!

I love being able to go to the temple every week. I haven't been yet, but I can already feel the blessings.

To end, let me offer my humble testimony.

Kono fukuin ga shinsetsu dearu to shitteimasu. (I know this gospel is true) Kazoku no shukufuku desu. (It is a blessing to families) Kamisama wa ten no otoosama dearu to shitteimasu. (I know that God is our Heavenly Father) Minasan o aishiteimasu! (I love everyone!) Iesu Kirisuto no mina ni yotte akashimasu. Amen. (I testify in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen)

Elder Hogge