Tuesday, November 27, 2007

27 November 2007

Oh, I am such a goofball! :-) Over the past little while, I have seen the "Dad" come out in me, and things couldn't be better! I'm glad you got that letter, it truly was one of the most memorable Thanksgivings I will have in a while.

Well, I would like to share a little thought from Brother Coleman, who came and spoke last Tuesday. One of the things that really struck me is that WE NEED MESSENGERS TO MATCH THE MESSAGE! You know, I am starting to realize that maybe all that help I have needed to try and look good all my life is starting to pay off as I am a messenger for the most glorious message on the face of the earth! It is funny how simply parting my hair helps me feel much better throughout the day. Yes, I do look very much like a dork, but a missionary dork! :-) Brother Coleman talked about being a Priesthood Man. And I hope that all of us Priesthood holders can carry that emblem in the way we appear to others. We need to "radiate" good continually. My hope in preparing here in the MTC is to get to the point where I radiate goodness and happiness so that people can see that and be uplifted themselves when I speak to them. The Japanese is just a side note right now, really.

Last night, me and my companion shared a lesson with one of the teachers in our building and it went soooo well! This teacher is one of the more strict Japanese teachers I know, but he is always, always happy! We had the chance to discuss the first lesson as church members, no role playing. I absolutely loved it. I am so thankful for my companion. Out of all the companionships in our district, we are closest to the same level in Japanese, and we can both communicate pretty well now. So the Japanese is the easy part. What we have focused on as a district is speaking "seirei-go" or, "the language of the Spirit." How effective it has been! When we speak with the Spirit, words come to our mouths in Japanese that flow and bring the Spirit even stronger. The Gift of Tongues is a very, very real thing.

I am so glad Paul spoke! I hope he is doing alright. I heard it was an amazing talk, and I totally believe it! Wow!

Today, me and my companion are going to do the initiatories and endowments for two of Grandpa Joe's ancestors. Oh, Spirit of Elijah, here we come! :-)

Okay, so I have to throw in a couple quotes from Elder Holland on Thanksgiving: (try to imagine him saying these things with emphasis!)
DON'T ACT OR LOOK STUPID. Stupid is a very strong word, but ITS WHAT I'M FEELING!
If you don't know it in your heart, then you don't know it.
You MUST come home and be devoted to this your whole life!
Before you open your mouth, you MUST preach the gospel.
Live the life you need to live so you can inspire your children.
GROW UP. This is Mature Discipleship.

Oh man, that was the best rebuking I have ever had in my entire life! I felt like a million bucks afterwards. It was sooo awesome.

Well, I have two weeks minus a day left here in the MTC, and things are absolutely flying. I can't wait to be lambasted by the language when I get there and humbled to my knees.
Well, friends, and family, I know this church is true. It IS being led by a man inspired of God. It TRULY was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. We REALLY CAN KNOW the truth of these things through prayer. We ARE blessed in times of need. Its just a matter of whether we look for those blessings or not. :-) Jesus Christ IS our Savior. He died for you, and He died for me. It is my hope that all of us may one day become as Elder Bruce R. McConkie who said weeks before his death: "When I see Him, my tears will wet His feet. But I won't know then any more than I know now, that He is my Savior." Keep up the good work, everybody! My prayers are with you. In our Savior's name I end my testimony. Amen.

~Elder Hogge

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

20 November 2007

Hello all people.

Last Tuesday, at the end of my Preparation Day (so I couldn't send any more letters) Elder Nelson came and spoke to us. It was really awesome. He and his wife gave good talks. Just the simplicity in his testimony, and the simple statements he made were strong. The part I liked most was when he said: "show them that you can help them. Be valuable to them." One way he talked about being valuable was through the family history program. Everyone has a last name and geneology, so this is one way us as missionaries can make ourselves useful. I kinda went "yes!" on the inside when he talked about that. I think I am one of the only missionaries in my district that has truly felt the spirit of Elijah. It really is spreading across the globe.

Also, I just started reading through the little pamphlets in Japanese this week. Guess what, all the pictures are of Japanese people! :-) Haha, I found that amusing. We have been teaching about the Plan of Salvation for the last couple weeks, and we have found that it has been a very humbling experience.

Sunday night, we were privileged to have Brother Bott and his wife come to speak to us. I took his Mission Prep class at BYU, and he is amazing! He just has the hilarious sense of humor you don't expect from a man that looks like he should be in the seventy. He talked about knowing when you know you have a testimony. He said that in order to check yourself, take a step back and imagine how your life would be if all the influence of the gospel had been taken from it. How different would we be??

This Sunday, me and my companion did a musical number for sacrament meeting. I played piano and he sang "Let Him Heal Your Heart" off of an EFY CD. It went pretty well considering I had only played through it 4 or 5 times. :-) For our Large Group Meeting this past Friday, we listened to "How Great Thou Art" as a female solo. Truthfully, I was sitting there thinking: "my little sister could totally sing better." Haha, be aware that I am always thinking about you all. But not too much. That would make things hard. :-) I hope you all are enjoying the blessings of me being here! Haha.

So I had a weird dream this past night. I received another mission call. It was to some weird place in California. And it was expected that I baptize at least 2 Russian people a year. And I was expected to learn Spanish and Russian. And no Japanese! Haha, funny the things we think up!

So for Thanksgiving, we have a couple extra firesides, and a couple extra service opportunities for a humanitarian project put on by Sister Boone. Get this, we get sack lunch dinners! Oh man. The joys of being in the MTC. At least I'm not staying for Christmas! One) The elders here don't get to call home. Two) All the elders here get all day is cereal. Oh boy. But we will have to see how Japan turns out, eh? I have less than three weeks before I go. That seems really short, but long at the same time. I want to be there now, but sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed with the language.

So I pretty much see Alan Potts every week. He is just finishing up work here when my district takes a lap around the MTC to memorize vocabulary or grammar. It is good seeing him.
Well, it hasn't even snowed here yet! We are starting to worry! Of course, we say that now, but in a week or two, we will start to regret our wishes. But truly, a white layer to the ground would really be awesome! I love the freshness of the air here. Its just a shame that I can't go outside a two block diameter. Haha, I'll get over it.

Well, TTFN, Ta Ta For Now!

~Elder Hogge

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

13 November 2007

Things are fine. We just got younger elders this week. So we are the old ones now. Time is really flying. It seems like just yesterday when I was writing last week's email. The language is pushing along. Everyone knows that we will still feel overwhelmed when we get to Japan, but trying really hard here to memorize vocab and grammar will pay dividends in the field. I just got an email from an elder from our zone that is now in the field. He says he misses chips and salsa the most. I can't wait to go to Japan. There are sometimes here when I just want to get a move on. It is an odd thing: time flies, yet I would like it to go faster! All in due time. I do realize that there will be a time when I miss the MTC. :-) So yes, the young ones, we only have one district of seven missionaries. There are 4 sisters and 3 elders. Pretty unusual! Eventually, those three elders will be the two zone leaders and the district leader. No getting around it.

I finished the rice crackers off this week. They are a huge pick me up. It helps me feel like I am already there. The MTC food is incredibly predictable. I think going and getting a sack lunch is one of the best options! Good old PB sandwich can really hit the spot sometimes.
Well, I received a package from Grandma and Grandpa Hogge. I made a lot of friends because of it. :-) I think I have picked up a couple pounds here, but I'm starting to run more. Oh the joys of the MTC. Sitting in a classroom for 10 hours a day can be more fatiguing than you would think.

For Thanksgiving this year, we get to do a humanitarian project! My district as well has more service than usual. We get to help move around tables for Sister Boone. I think a lot of the elders' attitudes here are quite contrary to the song: "Called to be served." I have been blessed with a love for service. When I serve, I am happy. Real happy. The same goes with bearing my testimony. Here, me and my companion have the goal of testifying at least twice every day in Japanese (with one of us as translator). You never know what somebody needs to hear on any given day. I can be the instrument for the Lord in that regard. Everyone in the MTC feels down at some point or another, and I hope that I can find them and help them feel up! :-) One of the sisters in my district is really good at serving others. She does everything she can to serve. She is really an example to me. It is somewhat odd thinking that the shimai are all Mindy's age. They seem very much our age.

But one more thing I would like to bring up is a quote from President Kimball (I think) in Preach My Gospel. It talks about missionaries rising to a higher plane of thought. This is something I am striving hard to work on. Putting off most thoughts except those that build up the work can be hard, but this is my goal. I challenge all that listen to try to rise to a higher plane of thought themselves. I know that as we do, we will grow together, and we will be more receptive to spiritual truths and spiritual power.

Well, I can't think of much else to say, so if you have a question or anything, drop me another email and I will try to respond! :-)

~Elder Hogge

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pictures from Joey's Setting Apart

11 November 2007

Happy Birthday Mari! Sorry I couldn't get message to her sooner. I think she will be super athletic.

Japanese is going well. Only two out of eight missionaries in my district didn't take Japanese before coming, but I seem to remember a whole lot somehow...my sensei in high school taught us a lot of different things that randomly pop up every once in a while. I have decided Japanese is the prettiest Asian language and way better sounding than English. I will have to speak it for you sometime.

The vest fits. Very well. The elders in my district seem to love me for some reason, and they actually laugh at my jokes! When I put the vest on, they couldn't help but laugh because deep down inside, they were jealous they didn't have a nice fitting sweater vest! Haha, or something like that.

Last Tuesday, we had Elder Bednar come and speak! It was soooo reallly good. He talked about something that really caught us off guard in our studies. He said: "any question you will be asked while you are on your missions, the beginning of every answer will be rooted either in the content or sequence of the Articles of Faith." Wow. Super profound. So now I'm on to re-memorizing all thirteen, first English, then Japanese.

Well, in response to Mindy's companion, the only time I really sang was with the whole choir once singing "This is the Christ," which you can imagine has become quite popular since the passing of Elder Faust. If she saw and recognized me then, I would be super impressed.

Well, the MTC is still treating me fine. I think I have picked up a bunch of weight, but I'm an elder, so I don't really care. My district is becoming really jyoozu in volleyball. We actually know how to play and expect the good old bump set spike. Oh, the little things.

I really enjoyed the packages this week!! Fantasia and Peter and the Wolf came last Tuesday after I sent off the email. Thank you! It makes me happy inside.

Thank you as well for the ties. I was desperately needy of some variety. I wore the Christmas tie on Halloween. It was wonderful. Thanks for the Airbourne. i don't really know what it is or how to use it, but thanks! I hear it is really good.

So my Preparation day ends at 6. So if you try sending an email past six today, I won't be able to get to it until next week. Just a heads up. All is well...

So, the elders in my district are awesome, I have decided. We are all either from Utahr or California. The 2 other elders from California are half Asian, so I almost feel left out. One of them lives in Clovis, and he knew Sarah Taylor back in the day. His name is Elder Elledge. Super funny, half Asian, doesn't know a lick of Japanese. We have a lot of fun as a district.

Teaching in Japanese is a piece of cake. Considering I'm not the one teaching! :-) The Teaching Resource Center visit this past Thursday went super well. I asked the investigators what they thought about God. The lady responded that when she looks at beautiful nature like the ocean she knows there is something bigger than us. The spirit loosened my tongue with the response: "God created this earth. When we look at a beautiful ocean, we feel peace. This peace is God's love."

A chord was struck, and the rest of the appointment went well. I almost have the Joseph Smith experience down in Japanese. That is something I will have to work on. But as a district, we have memorized James 1:5, the missionary purpose, and called to serve in Japanese. We are progressing very rapidly. We now speak only Japanese on Saturday, Monday, and Thursday. It is a blessing.

Well, the sky is blue and the church is true.

~Elder Hogge