Sunday, June 15, 2008

9 June 2008


I just wish you could have heard how loud that was. I’m doing good. How about y’all? This past week is what I would like to call a “growing week.” Not bad, but I sure learned a lot. I’m getting into having a Japanese comp. Our ways of thinking and languages of speaking differ, so it has already been a journey to form unity. But we find ways. For example, we are into making up Japanese words right now. My favorite is “dekimasho!” Which (if translated) means “let’s can!” (as in “can do something”). If there’s something I’ve already learned out here, it’s that tears and laughter are both necessary to live, but laughter is more healthy. Speaking of, Hil: I got the picture of your BF! Oh! Burn! Haha, just kidding. You all are so awesome! I promise I’ll get special individually-wrapped letters for all you who have done awesome writing. It’s like Christmas everyday when the mail comes! Unless I don’t get any. Then it’s like a not-as-fun-day as Christmas. Well, I love you all: Mom, Dad, Mindy, Sarah, Aaron, Mari, Hilary, Spencer, Willie, my cuzins on missions, my lovely grandparents, my awesome other cousins and friends and family and even those who may not know me all that well, but are reading this nonetheless . . . .

WUBBIES! Elder Hogge

P.S. Enjoy the many pictures.

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