Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pictures from Joey's Mission

with Joey's captions.

Elder Smith and I. (We had the same Astronomy class!)

Way cool Chinese recent convert named "Brother Jo." He's so cool.

Me and Elder Smith just spent 40 minutes climbing a huge hill in the sun!

Us with the AWESOME members on top of the hill. The Tanaka Family.

All-you-can-eat cook-it-yourself meat place called "Viking."

Fruit and Ice Cream Crepe!!

Now this is all you can eat!

Elder Butterfield (previous recorder), Me, Elder Smith (companion) at the Genbaku Peace Dome.

Me eating an EXTREMELY rare Pizza Hut pizza. In the Mission Office.

The Bishop and I jammed a little to Primary songs once . . . .

Having fun at the Hiroshima Carps game.

BASEBALL GAME! Can you tell who is home and who is away?

Professional Japanese baseball game.

We had a softball conference with our whole stake.


Me and my newest companion Elder Kobayashi seeing off the returning missionaries!

The Higa Family's Baptism! I baptized the Mom and Dad, and a young man in the ward baptized the son. I did it in Portugese!

After the Baptism.

There's a lot in Hiroshima1

Me in Hiroshima. We found a good view while housing.

I like to call this one: "Looking towards the futures."

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