Sunday, September 21, 2008

22 September 2008

Hello everyone. Yeah, it`s me Elder Hogge in Japan. And yeah, this is an email. And no, I am not breaking any rules. The rules just changed. We can do email again.

Personally, I despise this whole computer-box thing. In fact, I wouldn`t have even decided to email, were it not for my guilty conscience concerning how Mom would feel if she knew that I could email, but didnt. So, here I am, in a nearby community center, plopping out an email on a RIDICULOUS Japanese keyboard...Theres like 10 more buttons on here and the enter button is all shaped weird...well, Im actually quite hungry right now, so Ill make this quick...

Dear Family, and Friends, and Whomever this may concern:

This week was sooo great. We had so much good happen for us here in the blessed land of Hatsukaichi. Last Monday night, we headed over to a potential investigators house. She is a filipino lady who is really nice, and we decided that it would be a good idea to meet the whole family for that purpose, we set up a time to go over and introduce ourselves. We were a little scared that the husband would be like "Hey! What are you doing hanging out with my wife???" But oooooh contrair ---- after a couple minutes of light conversation, he says "yeah, Im a Mormon." ------------------- WHAT? Apparently, he got baptized like 30 years ago up in Sapporo, and then never went to church again. He is sooo way cool. That was a way good story because its all about finding...the right way! We made one filipino friend while we were knocking doors, and then she referred us to her filipino friend who invited us to meet her family who includes a less active! So, that was one of the sweetest miracles of this week. Oh, and we are going to a barbecue with them tomorrow. Should be fun! :-)

Can I just say that I feel so old? I wake up in the morning waaay sore, I just think "hey, this is only supposed to happen to old folks!" Seeing as Im no longer a teenager anymore, I guess this kind of thing was bound to happen.

Well, we also had a great Zone Conference this past week as well --- Elder Stevenson from the Area Presidency came! Oh man, it was soo good! Ill just quote the journal on this one: "I played prelude for like an hour. I felt the importance of having a vision and being committed to finding natural ways of talking to people. I wrote (in my notes at conference): `Let us be ourselves. The work is moving. We are friend-makers. Let us open our mouths. Let us make spiritual experiences for our investigators.` He spoke truths about missionary work."

So, for the rest of the week, we decided to really get out into the community and offer our services. We visited several community centers and a bunch of hospitals and we talked to people while we were waiting and it was just really really fun. We even went to the city hall and found out that there is a sweeet electric wheelchair soccer conference that they need volunteers for, so we talked to our Mission President, and he was ALL for it. He wanted to make sure that every missionary in the Hiroshima region came, and he even phoned Tokyo, and we are even going to be able to donate some wheelchairs if they need it. So, we were able to find a way sweet service opportunity, which equals a way sweet finding opportunity. Now THAT is missionary work.

So, we are lifting our vision, and spreading our reach to find in every opportunity that we have. We are also making tons of friends here. People always ask us, "Wow, you guys are working all the time!" But we always respond "no, its not really work because its all about making friends and having good conversations and helping people." Of course, you hear all the General Authorities say "the key to missionary work is WORK," but I think that you can make work so fun that it no longer has the negative connotation of "WORK." So, basically its just a matter of "playing hard" over here. :-) So yeah, Im happy. I hope everyone is too.

I know this is The Right Thing. This gospel. This lifestyle. This obedience. And I have grown a much deeper appreciation for my Savior. He really is MY Savior. But of course, he is YOUR Savior too. I am constantly amazed at how personal our Heavenly Father is and how well he knows each of us. Please, no one forget that!!!!!!

Well, I love y`all, and hope to hear from y`all soon.
Elder Hogge

P.S. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try NOT to send email. I DONT like email. I can only read it on Mondays and I cant print them out and they are only words on a screen...things in my hands feel soo much more real. (of course, everyone has their moral agency and can choose for themselves...) P.S.S. I wouldnt mind the folks using email. Whatever you think would be best for the situation. :-)

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