Monday, September 29, 2008

29 September 2008

Hello my fellow Hogges. Or friends of the Hogges. Or people related to the Hogges. That reminds me, me and my companion had a little argument about this: how do the family relations work? I am clearly Aarons brother in law, but is Aaron my brother in law? How does that work?

Well, time flew and another week in paradise (aka Hatsukaichi) is gone. Me and Elder Packer are having the times of our lives! There are so many friends to be made, and many converts to be found! We can always sense the amazing amount of potential energy in this area, and so we are trying our hardest to use all of our talents, time, and resources to try and unlock that energy and get the work moving faster and faster!!!

I got the card from everyone...THANKS!!! Haha, I cant believe that one year has already passed...some would think that passing what is referred to as *hump day* would make me trunky and worry about home and all that, but it has actually had the reverse effect on me! Really really, I realized *hey, I only have a year left...I need to get crackin and work harder!!!* It was a good chance for me to look back upon what kind of effort I have been putting into the work up until now and feel the need to level up. So, thank you all for the reminder! I am definitely set on not just working harder, but smarter in using my God-given talents and dazzling smile to progress the work! Haha, I wont lie, Ive been all smiles here.

As for this week...specific things to report...definitely not as full as last week...oh yeah, I was able to go on an exchange with my District Leader up in Hamada. He is a Hawaiian. And his name is Elder Zukeran. The area is up north on the northern coast of Japan, and it was so wonderful! It took a 2 and a half hour bus ride just to get there, but I was able to have a wonderful conversation with a man who lived along the way who was just returning home from work in Sapporo (the way chilly northern island of Japan). Everyone in Hamada was nice. It had sort of a country-side feeling to it. I personally prefer that to city, but what can I do? Go where the Lord tells me to. So yeah, I guess there are a lot of cool beaches in Hamada, and that is where everyone goes to play at the ocean in the summer. Unfortunately, I was not able to see the ocean, but thats okay because we worked hard.

It is very interesting hearing about all the stuff surrounding Proposition 8. A broadcast from Salt Lake? That is pretty intense. I am very excited to vote!!!.

Well, I got Moms email, and Dads note. It really is kinda cool how fast information travels through the cyber world. Yeah, I was in a pretty anti-technology mood last week. If people want to email, they can. If it is a decision between emailing or not writing at all, please email. If it is a decision between emailing or writing a letter...I prefer the letter, but email is fine. Just be wary that I can only email family...

So yeah, the sky is blue and the church is true. I know it. I have experienced too many blessings from obedience to write it off as coincidence. The Lord gives us commandments and rules in order to find excuses to bless us. If we follow them, He immediately finds a way to help our lives. That is a true principle that I have put to the test, and found to be true. I heard recently that the reason that missionaries have a long white handbook full of rules is NOT because missionaries need rules. Missionaries need blessings and help. So, God gave us missionaries a way to receive TONS of blessings and help. I just hope everyone else can see rules in a positive light too! :-)

Well, my time is drawing near, so Ill let yall off and see ya next week!!!

Elder the Hogge

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