Monday, April 13, 2009

13 April 2009

Dear Mom:

Thank you for Easter. We really appreciate the amaazing package with 4 delicious pounds of peanut butter. I feel almost bad for taking up so much money! So, I have decided to share as much as I can. We already made the peanut butter cookies and have taken them to people in the branch. I am so blessed. Thank you. There is really no such thing as Easter in Japan, even though the Japanese word for Easter literally means `Celebration of the Resurrection.` Little sad, eh? Thats why we decided to spread the cheer!!!

I got the email from Grandma Buck, and I saw all the pictures -- including the delicious Cinnamon Rolls.......haha. and my 3 sisters who dont really look like sisters at all (by Japanese standards). However, it has come to my attention that I might be tempted to look at the pictures at other times throughout the week, so I would greatly appreciate some hard copies so I can keep them with me. :-)

Thank you so much for looking up the Japanese stuff for me. Im all for testing out of language stuff! As long as I can keep my Japanese up... I would also love the conference addresses...there is now only 1 Liahona per english companionship, so I would much rather not quarrel. :-)

Mom, might I add that you may be more `trunky` than me! Haha. I didnt even remember the Mothers Day call until you emailed. Now Mother, I certainly laughed at that. Still pending when I will be coming home as well. Im just so bad at making decisions!

Anyways, this family is changing so, So, SO much! And its all for the better. A part of me wants to see it all, but then the rest of me says `nah, youll only be a missionary for so long!` So dont worry about me. The knees are doing much better, and I am happy.

Well, love you Mom!
Elder Hogge

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