Monday, May 4, 2009

4 May 2009

No transfer. It was pretty much a miracle since almost every other area had a transfer. Im very happy to still be here in Mihara. We are ready for miracles!! :-) Me and Elder Daimler are doing well. Today, we are visiting Onomichi for the holiday of Golden Week. Just a random week off for Japanese people. Lots of people from all over the place here! :-) Well, please tell the kids I say `ganbare` for the AP tests (that means basically, HANG IN THERE!!!!) I hear from everyone here that there is some pig flu going around. Is everyone okay? Japan hasn`t hit, so absolutely 0 need to worry here, so please DONT! Haha. Well, I will talk to you in just a little while! :-)

Love you!
Elder Hogge

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