Wednesday, May 13, 2009

11 May 2009

Thanks Mom! It sure was great talking. Im glad everyone is doing well. We are too. I felt bad for Elder Daimler. I remember my first call. Its just hard thinking about how much long there is ahead. It will all go by so fast, as it has for me. Well, I guess I should write a little about what is going on here. :-)

Waki-san -- our 77 year old investigator committed to baptism. He is a really sweet, older man. He lives alone and his wife is hospitalized in a very very far hospital. He doesnt have very much money, so he cant visit her much. We are glad to help him make many friends and bring him closer to Christ. He really likes Christ. We are always praying for his memory to improve. :-)

Momoko-san -- 19 year old girl I was talking about who is basically a member already. We finally met her Mom (who had been very opposed to baptism) and she was very nice. We will meet with Momoko tonight to see how her Moms stay went.

Iwagi-san -- 60`s year old husband of a member. He comes to church every week, reads the D&C with his wife everyday, and studies the Liahona than most members. Its just faith. We are trying to help him pray and get in contact with our Heavenly Father. We know that is the key.

Fukuyo-san -- 30 year old guy. He is another amazing investigator and really really really good friend. He has been through some rough stuff, and it is really hard for him, but he is turning to the Lord in prayer. He studies more than most members and participates in church more than most people. He keeps all the commandments. Everyone is just kinda wondering when he will step up to the plate and receive the baptismal committment. We are trying the hardest we can to encourage and help him be happy.

Those are the really big investigators we are working with. Its just that the progress in them is very slow, so if I wrote every week, it wouldnt be much. :-) I love Mihara. Truth is, I asked the Lord for a little more time in Mihara, and He saw in His Mercy to allow me to stay. I know for a fact
that I was really really close to leaving. I just love the people here too much.

Well, sorry you caught us being tracted by the JWs. They are very nice, but it is so different without the Spirit. I know that this is the only true church that is being led by revelation and the spirit. I want to help the members share the gospel here sooo bad, but I feel like they just want us to find and do everything ourselves. Its tough when it is the missionaries using the ward instead of the ward using the missionaries. But, we will work hard. :-) No doubt about that. :-)

I hate to leave, but its almost time up, so have a great day!!!!

Love you!
Elder Hogge

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