Monday, May 25, 2009

25 May 2009

Hey Mom.

Here, its either hot or rainy. But not all that hot and not all that rainy yet. So, we are good for a liiiiiiiiiiittle while longer. :-)

Our investigators are doing well here. Waki-san came to church, and even though he is 77, he is really starting to remember things and the members and stuff. So he is great. I dont know, not a whole lot is happening! Haha. We are just trying to help our investigators understand the importance of the Spirit. If everyone knew how amazing the baptism by fire is, the baptism of water would be a no-brainer to accept! So, thats what we are working on. The best part of working with them is that all of them are our friends. Its really great. I really feel like a Mihara-jin (or a Mihara-n or a Mihara-ese, something like that. :-) )

Well, today, after we finish emailing, we are going to head over to McDonalds and eat out for the first time in a long while, then hit up the 100 yen store to grab supplies for commandment posters we are going to make for Waki-san to help him remember. Haha. And then, we are going to watch one of President Monson`s talks with Waki-san and a member today. After that, we are going to head over to the train station and try to find more friends. Or at least bump into some of our already good friends. Mihara is just so small and we know so many people and absolutely everyone goes to the train station, so something is bound to happen! Haha. The train station is definitely the BIGGEST part of town. Everything revolves around the train station. this is Japan! Haha.

As for emails, I receive them from you, Dad, and Mindy weekly. I really enjoy them. I dont know, I just dont hear much from anyone these days. I guess that way it is easier to focus totally on our friends here in Mihara! :-) Truthfully, my favorite letters are the ones from family (the kids too!!). I also write my MTC companion (who is in Fukuoka) post cards. We have a good system so one person writes and sends, then the next person writes the next week and sends. My MTC companion is actually companions with the son of the stake president I worked with in Hatsukaichi last year! Yeah, I went out working with him then. So thats kinda fun.

Well, we have been making basically all of our food these days, and I learned a new one: Its called Oyako-don. Chicken, onions, carrots in a men sauce (like soy sauce) and water boil. And then you add mixed up eggs right about when everything is done cooking. The name is great because `oya` means parent, and `ko` means child, and `don` is like something over rice. We use chicken and eggs, so its parent and child over rice! Haha. I thought that was clever. :-) Im definitely wanting to keep cooking throughout my life.

We are going to keep working hard here, and my allergies acted up just a little last week, but theyre fine now. Thank you!!!!

I love you, Mom. Have a great day!
Elder Hogge

P.S. Happy early summer to the kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Dad.

Can I first off say thanks for the Dear Elder? I was really really really trying hard to figure out what kind of role us as missionaries have in this little Mihara Branch of 15 people. When you and your companion are 2 out of the 15 people, you figure you need to do something to help with responsibilities. I am thankful for your advice (from the viewpoint of a former bishop and present stake presidency member). Sometimes I just want to sit down with the branch president and just ask straight to his face: `What do you want us to do???` We never really get any straight answers when we ask, so Im glad you helped fill us in.

I really liked your scripture for this week -- 1 Corinthians 3:18-19. My loving Heavenly Father has helped remind me several times recently that no matter how wise I think I am, I am foolish without the Lord. I really like Proverbs 3:5-6 `Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.` It is such a simple statement, but I didnt really understand for the first 20 years of my life that `trusting in the Lord` means `dont rely on yourself!` Haha. Once I started to figure that out, missionary work has become much more fun and clear to understand. I love it.

Well, Thanks for everything. The rainy season should be coming soon. I like to say when we are out working hard and it is pouring here, they are filling up the baptismal fonts in Brazil (or Argentina for the other Elder Hogge :-) ) Things are good. Will work harder.

Love you,
Elder Hogge

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