Monday, June 15, 2009

15 June 2009

Hi Dad:

Unfortunately, I have been transfered. It was incredibly hard to leave Mihara because the branch there was so small that the missionaries play such a major role. I can honestly say that I love those people. Im sure you know the feeling. Fortunately, I love the new area and companion! I am now in a place called Takasu which is code for `the very biggest intercity part of Hiroshima.` The ward here is about 50 people strong, and my companion has been out here for almost the whole two years. And, I have been called to serve as a Zone Leader. I know it doesnt mean much, but I am very excited. I have had such a great time studying Christlike leadership, and now I have been given an even bigger opportunity to be a Christlike leader. It is the biggest zone in the mission by far, and it is full of my old areas and old companions. I am very excited. We are really taking what you said to heart and finding all the time. No matter what we are doing, no matter where we are going, we talk to people. I have found the Spirit a lot stronger in my life just in the past 5 days from talking with everyone. Thank you. I am also excited to be able to lead this zone. We give instructions twice a transfer, so if you have any ideas, I really really do want to hear them. I just want to help unify the zone and work off of the amazing job of missionaries past. Well, sorry for blabbering on and on and on. Im just really excited. Its nice because I am pretty much assured how my mission will turn out. No worries about that. Now, I can just focus and work work work. I love it!

No way! You saw Aaron Gacilan! Thats making me feel old as a missionary.... But I can only imagine the kind of joy you feel from seeing these guys grow up. I get excited when investigators read from the Book of Mormon! Haha.

Question: is the mission plan established for California only for California? Do you think the Brethren would have something in store for Japan? I kinda want to share what you have shared with me, but I just dont know if it would be right.

Well, I love you and Mom. Havent gotten an email from mom, but thats okay. Ill shoot her one. Oh yeah, here is my new address:

Kougokita 1-21-29
Porarisukougokita 2bankan 204

Elder Hogge

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