Monday, July 20, 2009

20 July 2009

Hey Mom. Its pouring here, but everytime I walk outside, my glasses fog up! Thats how hot it is. Haha. Well, it is the last week of the transfer, so my companion goes home in 4 days! Yeah, his mom must be pretty stoked. Haha. Sorry, I know it has got to be hard for you. But its totally okay. You got me for eternity. :-) My bet is that a quite young missionary will come in and I will become senior here (which is pretty safe seeing that Im going home pretty soon!) But yeah, things are going well. We had 8 investigators at church Sunday, and it was the most I have heard of for one companionship on my mission here. So, we are pretty stoked about that. We have 2 people really really close to committing to baptism with one already with a date.

Well, I think I got the package from a while ago, unless you sent anything else. :-) Oh yeah, I was kinda thinking about postponing the birthday this year because if you send anything, Im going to have to either eat it pretty quick, or carry it with me back home. :-) Oh yeah, in order to study Japanese, there is a good book called Remembering the Kanji written by a guy named Heisig. It may be a fun birthday present. :-)

Cool cool. Im glad things were going well in John Day. I hope you have a good week.

Love you,
Elder Hogge

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