Monday, April 28, 2008

21 April 2008

Dear Family,

I transferred. In a big way. I said I thought could go senior, right? Well, I didn’t. I went secretary! That’s right. Mission office secretary. The missionary couple who did the financial and secretary jobs finished up their missions, and so I got called in with zero training. When I got to the mission office, I dropped my bags and went and taught the English conversation class at 1 p.m. And then I worked nonstop getting adjusted until 9 p.m. That was last Thursday. Now, it is Monday, and I have been going nonstop ever since.

This comes as a very big surprise because another elder actually got a little bit of training from Sister Montgomery (the old secretary). This just goes to prove that God loves throwing the curveball. So, I do all the mail and all the incoming and returning missionary stuff (passports and airline tickets) and all the office managing (make sure things are tidy and in order) and I guess I am unofficially the Mission Grandma (with includes nurse and recipe tips) all on top of regular missionary work.

Phew. But my companion is absolutely amazing! His name is Elder Smith, and he is from Utah. And he is also the financial clerk, which is way harder than being secretary. So he’s a stud. We are both relatively young (I’m in my fourth transfer, and he’s in is seventh) but we are definitely working hard. Every moment we are not in the office working, we are out there working. I am learning a new level of tiredness. And I have also gained respect for those who work in the office. There’s tons of stuff to do. And then add on top of that all the normal missionary pressures and stuff, and you’ve got yourself a very busy schedule! Needless to say, the Lord has found yet another way to humble me and teach me some very important lessons. I’m still learning. I’m still learning . . . .

Hey Dad, did you every work in the mission office? Wait, I knew that! How was it for you? I think it would be fun to hear about that. It really is a blast being so close to so many awesome missionaries! Two AP’s, Recorder, Commissarian, Commissarian-in-training, finance guy, me, and two elder in Kure who don’t have an apartment--nine elders. All way cool and fun. It’s pretty cool!

Love, Joey Hogge

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