Friday, April 4, 2008

24 March 2008

Dear Family,

I got the package!! Yay! I can smell good with deodorant again! And me and all the Elders are really enjoying the chocolate suckers and cookies and candy. Thanks!

Easter was AWESOME! I was woken up by Elder Nielson yelling and jumping: “IT’S EASTER! IT’S EASTER!” and “I MADE YOU ALL EASTER BASKETS, SO YOU HAVE TO GO FIND THEM!” So we had an Easter basket hunt in our apartment. And then me and Elder Moon made omelets and put faces on them using ketchup to copy the stationery. [His letter is on stationery called “Omelet Face.”]

When we got to church, we walked into sacrament meeting right as it was starting, and as I shook the ward greeter’s hand, he said, “It looks like you’re speaking today, Elder Hogge.” My fears were vindicated when we walked in and the branch president motioned me to the stand. I sat down; he turned around and said, “you going 15?” I guess I must have given him a look because he answered his own question, “Okay, 10 minutes.” The talk went pretty well. I had to borrow someone’s scriptures too! As it was Easter, I thought it was appropriate to talk about the Savior. So I talked about how through him, we can overcome both death and sin, the only two obstacles between us and living with our Heavenly Father forever in exaltation. Then I read Alma 7:11-12 and talked about how Christ is our ichi-ban (number one) friend because he has felt EVERYTHING. From the pain of guilt from committing sin, to the sting of every paper cut, to fear from every nightmare. That’s why he is our number one pal, and only through him can we overcome those two obstacles. To say the least, the talk actually ended up going 12-13 minutes.

This stationery was the inspiration behind making omelets Easter Morning. OMELET FACE!! It’s so funny. Haha, yeah. We are into the third out of six weeks in this transfer, and it has gone by way fast! Me and Elder Moon are having the time of our lives! Shortly after that letter about finding balance between not killing your comp and still working hard, I received the same revelation: plan well. When I got your letter, Dad, it was another witness. So we have been planning harder, so that trying to be effective and stay busy throughout the day is a lot less stressful.

So yeah. We also had a very new experience Sunday. We visited a sister’s dad (also an investigator) for his birthday. He’s 79, but way energetic still. Anyways, his dog was limping and whining a lot, so Brother Fujinaka (the ex-district president who is the new ward mission leader who came with us) got down and asked us to bless the dog! I’m glad I wasn’t sitting closest to the dog, because then Elder Nielson did the blessing. I’m not quite sure if it was legal, but it was a different/new/funny experience. Haha, well, that’s what I’m up to: experiencing new things and having the time of my life! That work is great!

[indecipherable Japanese characters], Joey Hogge

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