Monday, December 15, 2008

16 December 2008


The Hiroshima Mission is having preparation day on Tuesday this week in preparation for the Mission wide Christmas conference tomorrow. Hence, the email is late.

Tonight, we are having a HUGE Christmas concert in the Hiroshima train station. I am going to be playing a Sally Deford version of Oh Holy Night on the piano with Sister Isa (the Mission Presidents wife) playing flute. Its a really hard piece, but no worries!

Oh yeah, before I forget, we are going to have to figure out Christmas phone call. Transfer calls are next Monday, and then we transfer on our December 25th. I have no clue if I will still be in Hatsukaichi, so we cant set it up for sure. If I dont transfer, that morning would be fine. And I think it would be okay to do the call on my December 26th (like last year?) too. So, I dont have any time to do the time difference math, but if you could pick about 3 times to do the call and let me know by next Monday (for me), then we could figure out what will work the best. And again, I will give you my phone number so you could call.

So, yes. I am still breathing, still sacrificing, still improving. Im really convinced that the things I learn and apply to my life here on the mission are going to stick with me, in the long run. (shoot that sentence past Hilly, and see if she laughs :-) ) But seriously, I am grateful for the opportunity to force myself to put the gospel and Christ`s church in first priority. I know that that is how it HAS to be in order to be `built upon the rock.` I am thankful for worthy parents who have shown me that example and the strength of that foundation. Oh man! Im so excited for this life in the gospel! It is so sweet.

Well, I love y`all. I think you are all quite dandy. Ill keep praying for Mindy, and now add Mom to the list! Let Spence know Ill be front row to hear his band when I get back, and let Willy know hes da man!

Good bye for a time!
Elder Hogge

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