Sunday, December 21, 2008

22 December 2008


So, for the good news: Im going to be in Hatsukaichi longer!!! YAY!!! For the bad news: my favorite Elder Mourao is transfering out...on Christmas Day!!! Wow! The Lords work has no holiday. And so, Elder Goto will be coming here. He is a magnificent Japanese young elder. I guess I need to brush up more on my Japanese! Haha.

Thank you all so much for the Christmas package! I have been listening to the Christmas guitar CD a lot, and I must say, I want to try and learn some of it when I return. But yeah.

This past week was crazy! We had our Christmas Concert under the Hiroshima Train Station last Tuesday, and it was big! A lot of members and investigators and English class students came from Hatsukaichi! It was awesome. Even though I messed up pretty bad playing Oh Holy Night, no one really seemed to notice or care.

Then, on Wednesday, we had our mission-wide conference!!! It was awesome, as well. They allowed the use of cell phones! It was a big shocker. So now, I have a cell phone in my pocket, and it is straight up weird! I cant believe that something like that was normal to me before. It will sure come in handy when trying to get a hold of people. So, in the past 3 months, we have gotten email and cell phones! Me and Elder Mourao figure that the next step is a car. Haha, if only...

I had a quick question: did Paul Hansen serve in Hatsukaichi? If so, does he know a Yamamoto-san? It is a friend of one of the members who is a former investigator that we found the other day. She says that the first missionary she met was an Elder Hansen, who was one of the brightest people she had ever met! I was very curious...

Elder Mourao says thanks for the Christmas present!

Well, I guess you would like to know about the phone call.... 10 AM on Christmas my time would work the best. And, I would appreciate if you called (0829) 32-1338.
I love you all, and am grateful for your love and sacrifice. Its hard, but its worth it. Ill talk to you all later!!! :-D

Elder Hogge (Hogge Choro)

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