Sunday, December 7, 2008

7 December 2008

Hello Mom, Dad, Mindy, Sarah, Aaron, Hil, Spence, Willie, and Mari!

It feels so great to be in December! We are having an absolutely awesome time here in Japan. So far on the Christmas tree, I have put up Dad, Hil, Maris ornaments. Sweet! I busted up laughing when I opened I have a face staring at me when I sleep! haha.

This past week at English class, we made.......EGG NOG!! You really should have been there...people gave us the biggest looks of terror when they saw us put nutmeg into the drink! Apparently, the Japanese put nutmeg into their hamburgers, so when they drank it, they said `ahh! burgers!` Haha. But there were a couple of people who really liked it. All in all, a really fun night.

Is Mindy doing all right? I will keep you in my prayers, Mind.
Hey Mindy, do you remember that packet of uplifting letters and papers you sent me when I was at home preparing for the mission? On one of them, it talked about purification, and doing a 40-day purification fast. Me and Elder Mourao focused our fasts on figuring out ways to purify ourselves and become more obedient, and then we committed to fast from `outside the ideal missionary` things.

In the process, I have just begun to learn about sacrifice. My Biology/Book of Mormon professor (Dr. Booth) at BYU once taught that `sacrifice brings sanctification.` We have really taken that meaning to heart. I am personally sacrificing many little and a couple big things during this 40 day fast. I have already noticed a change in myself, my companion, and how often the Spirit abides with us. Its all just part of trying to see success -- start from within yourself.

So, thank you Mindy for sending that idea to me when I was preparing for serving. Sure, its something that probably I could have just figured out from the scriptures, but its nice to have some thing that flat out says what to do. :-)

So, in conclusion, I love the Lord. I love the work. I love sacrifice, because I love feeling the Spirit. I know everyone else can feel the Spirit more strongly in their lives if they find if but one more thing to sacrifice in order to turn more single-eyed to the Lord.

Ill keep on keepin on! Its always my pleasure to keep in touch with everyone. :-)

Elder Hogge

P.S. Hil -- good luck with shows! I promise I will watch when I get back. Im rooting for you!!!!!!!!!!

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