Monday, November 24, 2008

24 November 2008

Hello. Another rainy day in Hatsukaichi! It just decided to turn waaaay cold here all of a sudden. So, its been a little hard, but we will pull through it!!! Yeah! Not a whole lot to report this week...the last letter I have here is from the 14th. The last days truly are here! I wonder how things will be different when I get back time to think!

We are up to our heads in missionary work! There are soo many people here to serve, and so many opportunities to invite to hear the lessons. That is something me and Elder Mourao have been working on -- challenging people straight forward to the lessons. The Japanese people are very VERY beat-around-the-bush people (which is strange considering how busy they are), and unfortunately, I have fallen into that same habit! So I have been trying to climb out of the funk and challenge people directly!!! Blah. But, it is very fun and rewarding. In fact, the man sitting right next to us in the BIG massage chair asked about us right now, and I just challenged him to hear a message about the purpose of life using the Salt Lake City Temple pass along card. Its waaay easy. Unfortunately, we were not able to get any firm appointment...but hey, we are trying. Even during email time! :-)

Well, I will probably write a snail mail letter now, so Ill let you go.

Elder Hogge

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