Monday, November 10, 2008

10 November 2008

HEY! Oh man! Im so happy! Me and Elder Mourao were just talking about how AWESOME it is to be missionaries! If you couldnt tell...we are pretty much having a blast! I heard from a couple of missionaries about Proposition! Yes! You all probably have sent letters about it, but I havent received anything this week, so naturally, there will be letters waiting for me when I get back to the apartment tonight! :-)

This week was a little bit of a downer when it came to actual appointments...nothing really huge...and even a bunch of no-shows...but that couldnt stop the blessings and miracles from coming! For example, last night, me and Elder Mourao were exhausted after a full day of work following church, but we still had a litttttle bit of time at the very end after we had visited all the people we planned on. So, I prayed sooo hard, because I had NO clue what to companion suggested visiting a potential investigator who lived nearby, and I hesitantly agreed. As we were biking over there, I had the strongest strongest strongest impression that we need to visit `a less active`, but that is all the impression told me. Not who, not where, just `a less active.` As we drew nearer to the potential investigators home, we saw that none of the lights were on, but nobody was home...but then I realized that there was a less active literally 4 doors down! I had never ever met any of them, but the impression was undeniable, so, we went. And the thing about Japan is that everyone has way high tech doorbells that include an intercom, camera, and fatty light that makes it so that they can see you through the camera. So, most the time, we never even talk to people face to face. And this time, I rang and I talked to a way older lady who was about to hang up, when I heard a younger lady take the phone. All I knew was the less actives name from the list. So, I asked for him, but he wasnt home, but she still invited us to talk at the `genkan` (big entryway where you put your shoes before walking into the house). So, we met her there, and she was awesome! We talked to her and her 3 young daughters and the mom has tried many different religions, but none have `entered in` her heart. So, we set up an appointment to meet them as a family so we could meet the less active as well, and share the message of the restoration.
That experience was amazing to me because I was able to clearly clearly recognize the direction of the Holy Ghost, and it led us to the covenant Israel. That was the third less active family I have been led to by the Holy Ghost since coming to Hatsukaichi in 3 months. There are literally hundreds of less actives, so being led particularly to each one has been a miracle in and of itself.

Sorry, that was really long. But I just wanted to witness unto you that miracles are still seen today. Angels walk here. The Holy Ghost guides us when we listen so very intently with our spiritual ears. I have had too many experiences to be able to deny that.

Well, the kids sound awesome! Sorry Spence, still no time this week to write, but youre in a band???? WHAT??? Hil -- keep on keepin on, sistah. You know how those long Galena nights go...Im rootin for ya here on the other side of the world!!! Willieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, we are going to have to b-ball it up when I get back!

Elder Hogge

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