Monday, November 3, 2008

3 November 2008

The cider apple fudge was a perfect block. If it started out as a ball, I would be utterly befuddled! Oh yeah, I just noticed that my toothpaste supply is running a little low...yeah...Im sure using it up! And also, with the season comes seasonal drinks...and besides hot chocolate...theres egg nog!!! Oh man! Eggs and milk are easy to come by...but Im not sure about all the other ingredients, or even how to make it! So...yeah...bit of a dilemma, eh?

Oh yeah, we had our Halloween Party here! It was CRAZY!!! If you count everyone including kids, we had SEVENTY people show up! Uh. I thought I was going to faint...I despise playing host...but, it turned out pretty good. We had apple bobbing and donuts on a string, and we did root beer! Albeit, we waited too long, and it stopped being bubbly and good by the time we opened it...but it still amazed the childrens and the adults! Also, the members TOTALLY decked out the 2nd floor of our building for trick or treat! It was pretty awesome. In case you were wondering, yes, me and my companion both dressed up! He is seriously such a coooool guy that it just made sense for him to be a secret agent...yeah...on the other hand...there was me! I guess you will just have to check out the pictures. The members kept telling me all night that I was a way good actor! Yeah, I could probably make it on Hollywood! Haha.

Boy, we have been working soooo hard trying to get our investigators/potential investigators/less active members to church! That has been one of our absolute biggest enormous goals...and one of the hardest! So, we have been working really hard on inviting inviting inviting, while at the same time, finding finding finding! Thats pretty much how we have been in a nutshell. My companion got a migraine yesterday at church, so I played Mom for a little while. But besides that, we have been workin our guts out! And it feels absolutely great falling asleep before my head hits the pillow. Of course, we can definitely work harder, but we are pushing ourselves and talking to everyone! Including this kid who is sitting next to me right now doing English homework! Hes going to college next year in Oosaka. And pretty cool. We will invite him to church and English class.

Well, the sky is blue and the church is true! I have no time, but a couple of pictures to attach, so I will see yall later!!! :-)

Elder Hogge

P.S. Spence! you are so....AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Your letter was sooo bomb. I didnt have time today, but I will try next week to get in a response!! And in the mean time, rock Physics for me...I love that class...

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