Monday, October 27, 2008

27 October 2008

Why, hello! Ive never had water thrown on me! This whole Proposition 8 sure has hit a sore spot, eh? I got the ballot last week, then I spent a little time and did the best I could to be a good citizen! Man, I loved it! Halfway through, I caught myself wondering -- `I wonder which is the right answer?` And then I remembered -- `hey! Whichever I think is the right answer!` I definitely tried to remember the principles of the gospel in voting, but I thought it was just soo fun figuring things out for myself! Man, I love voting.

Well, it looks like you got my letter, Mom! Thats great! And really fast. Wow, less than a week! Sweet.

I also got the package the same time as the ballot. THANKS!!! OH MAN! IT WAS SO SWEET! Literally...sweet! I munched down on some candy corn...marveled at the air tight brick of hot cocoa...and drowned myself in conference talks (I like to call it: `My Own Personal Ensign`). Basically, that day was Christmas in disguise.

This past week has also been great for us with our investigators...just doing a lot to help them realize why we are meeting with them, and helping them see our motivation. Its funny how much people start to open up when you tell them that you just want them to be eternally happy.

Oh, I just realized this past week something cool about the sequence of the missionary lessons:
Lesson 1 -- The Restoration (WHAT our unique message is) Lesson 2 -- The Plan of Salvation (WHY it is important) Lesson 3/4 -- The Gospel of Jesus Christ / Commandments (HOW we reach that amazing goal of eternal life)

So, that mindset has made it really easy to see how to help those that we meet: WHAT or WHY or HOW. During District Meeting, one of the Zone Leaders gave instruction about helping potential investigators become real investigators (yeah, sorry for all the missionary vocab), and one of the things he said was: `Dont keep them in the dark!` That really hit me. A lot of times, we go into religious conversations with ulterior motives, when we should be telling people straight up why we talk about what we talk about. Okay, that probably sounded a little confusing, but it makes sense to me as a missionary. Its like saying: `we are teaching you so that you can live eternally with your family in happiness.` That is a great goal to have. And in order to do that, we need to follow the gospel and commandments. Its really all that simple.

I know that this gospel we have right now is the full, restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the same gospel that Christ taught. It is the same gospel that Moses taught. It is the same gospel that Adam was taught at the beginning of the world. It is the same gospel whereupon the world was created. The gospel isnt a part of our lives, it is our lives! The gospel is everything. The quicker we know that, the quicker we can achieve true happiness through the gospel. That is Truth.

Well, we spent another week totally wearing ourselves out for the Lord. My companion is so great about focusing on The Missionary Purpose -- Inviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the Restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. OR: watashitachi no mokuteki wa hitobito ni Kirisuto no moto e kuru yo susumeru koto desu. Sono tame ni, watashitachi wa Iesu Kirisuto to Kirisuto no aganai wo shinjiru shinko, kuiaratame, baputesuma, seirei no tamamono wo ukeru koto, saigo made taeshinobu koto wo toushite, karera ga kaifuku sareta fukuin wo ukeirerareru yo tasukeru no desu.

Haha, I like Japanese. And I like you all. Thanks for your support. Especially you, Mom, and Dad. You are the bomb!!

Elder Hougu

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