Monday, October 20, 2008

20 October 2008

Hey Mom and Dad.

This past week was very...interesting! We did a lot lot of service. Thursday -- we taught English at an elementary school and boy, let me tell you, I have such a deeper profound appreciation for those teachers! I pretty much lost my voice... Friday -- we went with a day center for old ladies to a nearby zoo and pushed them around in their wheelchairs! It was sooo fun...we were able to be good examples. Saturday -- we went with the primary of our ward to one of our english class students`s house and picked sweet potatoes! And then later that day, we fetched loose balls for an electric wheelchair soccer tournament. That was cool! These were for severely handicapped people, but they were superstars for one great afternoon. Some of them were unable to move their arms or hands, so they controlled their chairs with their chins! And they had practiced a LOT, so it was a pretty intense competition. It helped me put things in perspective.

So yeah, I havent gotten my ballot yet...which is a little fishy, but we still need to check the mail today, so we`ll see! Im sure excited to vote!

We had an amazing lesson this past Saturday with a man named Ito. We met him when he was working (raking weeds in preparation for a new house), and we taught a lesson about the restoration on the spot. For a month or so, we really helped him nderstand the importance of prayer and the book of mormon, and then Saturday, we taught about the Plan of Salvation using the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was probably the clearest I have been able to teach it in Japanese. And it was probably the clearest I have been able to understand it. He understood all of it too, and we committed him to baptism. He wants it sooo bad. But, there are going to be some ough trials ahead: work on Sunday, tabacco addiction, and possible opposition from is wife. However, he has grown a testimony of the importance of these things, so I think it will only serve to strengthen that testimony as long as we help him through it. Basically, he is the closest I have ever met to a `kinjin`, or golden nvestigator. But, there are going to be some rough trials ahead, so please pray for him. (By the way, I dont think I will write that story to Mom in her email, so you could share it with whomever you think might want to know...)

But man, everyday, I come to appreciate you and Dad more and more. It truly is a ask keeping a place clean. It truly is a task figuring out what to eat and to keep a healthy balanced diet. It truly is a task `raising a kid.` Haha, yeah, as trainer, responsibilities of a parent seem to really come out. Even when your new missionary is a stud. Theres just some things that need to get done, and its up to the folks to do it. I know that now. I cant imagine what its like with little children! I kinda cringe thinking about it right now, but there will be a time and place for that. Haha.

Well, Im doing well here. Im really extremely tired, but its a good tired. If I werent, I think I might feel guilty that I wasnt working hard enough. So, we are doing good things here. Things are moving. Thank you for your support and all those years of raising a trouble maker like me! Haha.

You be sure to make today a good one, okay? :-)

~Elder Hogge

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