Monday, October 13, 2008

13 October 2008

Hey all! Im doing good here. We are really crammed for time, so Ill make this short.

Thanks for the couples of emails. It feels good to open the account and see something to read! :-D

Me and Elder Mourao are great. We were able to see General Conference in our Zone Leaders area this past Saturday and Sunday. I personally thought it was too short and didnt want it to stop. President Monson is the man! He just always says dont worry, have patience, help others, and be happy! :-) I was happy after each of his talks. Did you all hear the story he told about the elder learning spanish in the MTC? If not, I would like to recap: so, there was this one elder learning spanish in the MTC, and he thought it was too hard, so he fully decided to give up. It went all the way to the director at the MTC, and he gave President Monson a phone call asking what he should do. President Monson said `just stick him in the class for elders learning japanese for a day.` That following day, the director at the MTC called back president monson very early in the morning, and said `it worked! after being in the Japanese class for a couple hours, the elder had no doubts that he could learn spanish.` I laughed very hard. Japanese is tough --- straight from the prophets mouth! :-D

We dont have access to the conference talks until next months ensign, so if you wanted to throw a couple in...oh, elder clausse`s talk...president eyring and utchdorf`s talks from priesthood if you could...haha, thanks!

This week was good. We are still alive. We had softball this morning with the Hiroshima Stake, and I pitched a couple of complete games. It was pretty fun and awesome, but I know tomorrow will buuuuurn! This week, we have been able to see a couple of really cool small miracles, but I dont have time to really go into depth, but let me just tell you: we know we will have a baptism by the end of the transfer, although we dont know who it will be :-D we even have a date already set! Its way cooler working towards the date. So yeah, my little green bean is full of energy and faith, and we are oh so very similar. we are having lots of fun!! And his japanese is bomb for 2 weeks in japan. AWESOME!

Well, we need to go, so take care everyone!! :-)

Loves and stuffs,
Elder Hogge

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