Tuesday, November 18, 2008

17 November 2008

Hello. Not a whole lot to report this week..........I think this was a patience week...one of those where we learn patience! Haha. Yeah, we are working hard and getting tired everyday and its great.

Last Saturday, a new shopping center was put up really close to our apartment, so we decided to head over and chat with people. As we were leaving, one of the rent-a-cop kind of guys holding a sign said hi and we started a conversation. He was soo awesome. He asked us what we were doing. And so I handed him a pass along card about the Book of Mormon. Right as I did so, a guy flanked by 2 other rent-a-cops walks up to us and asks: `What are you doing??` And before I could answer, he said: `Youve been handing out fliers and stuff! Thats illegal!` (Keep in mind that we had done this plenty of times before) So, me and my companion are standing there, looking at this guy in a jacket with a clipboard and walkie talkie, and kinda wondering if he actually had that authority...so we inquired further, and apparently, he wanted us to go down to the police station and pay money to receive a piece of paper saying its okay for us to talk to people and hand out fliers. He said that all of Japan is the same. We thought it was very odd that missionaries havent been told that before even though we have been here doing this for 30/40 years! Haha, but yeah. We respected him and said `yes sir` and continued to hear him, and then walked away once he was done. So, we called the Mission Office and talked to one of the AP`s and he told us not to worry about it. I dont know, it just kinda hit me that there are a lot of things trying to stop us from working. And if we are hit with them, it must mean that we are doing something right, right? :-) All for the cause of righteousness.

Well, besides that, we had transfer calls last week, and me and Elder Mourao are still here together and having fun. We biked all the way to the western edge of our border, to a place called Ootake. It was waaay fun and a very pretty ride along the coast. We were also able to meet a bunch of less actives that havent come to church because they live so far. It was a very fun `field trip` day of missionary work! :-) Well, tonight, we have FHE with a very strong member family, and we planned it so that their 14 year old son would teach the message of the Restoration with us! It is going to be soo fun! I sure wish the missionaries pulled me aside and planned to help me practice teaching when I was younger! So, we are going to make this a very spiritual and unforgettable experience. :-) We just seem to find more and more people on top of more and more mountains, so we are a little tired this week. But dont worry, we are protecting our health, and we are building both spiritual and physical muscle. :-) Hey Dad, I really appreciate how much you keep in contact. Youre like a good buddy to me, and I know youre busy, so thanks!
And Mom, where would I be without you?

Well, I havent received any new email this week, so sorry but, Im about ready to fall asleep, so catch yall later! :-)

I am learning what it takes to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Love and roses and happiness and all that!!! :-) Elder Hogge (Hogge Choro)

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