Wednesday, January 28, 2009

26 January 2009


This week was great. A lot of prayers, a lot of prayers answered, and even some progress with our investigators. Last night we had dinner with one member family, and they invited one of their friends and after dinner we had a simple family home evening about families and happiness and the gospel then we committed her to hear the lessons. It was ideal with the members there to testify and provide encouragement. Pretty much textbook PMG missionary work. I know that there is a reason the prophets always talk about the importance of member referrals. For the first time on my mission, we were able to do that smoothly.

Besides that, we watched `finding faith in christ` with a couple of our investigators and it was really good.

We were challenged this past week at Zone Meeting to try more to understand the atonement. And so, we are trying to remember it everyday here. Starting to realize how it feels to be rejected by those whose salvation you desire. Just starting to.
Things are starting to really move here thanks to the members and Heavenly Father. In fact, time is pretty much running out for me we are soo busy!

So, Ill just leave this email a little short. Please forgive me.

elder Hogge

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