Monday, February 2, 2009

2 February 2009

Hey, the computer just erased my whole email, so this will have to be a little short...sorry!

I dont know absolutely anything about transfers. I suggest sending the package to the mission office. :-) Thanks, I really appreciate and feel the love.

This past week, we met with Ito san twice, which was quite a treat! He is a genius at understanding gospel principles. He wants to get baptized, but because Saturday and Sunday are his busiest days (leave home at 7, get back around 10!) the Sabbath day and coming to church are both very hard. Smoking is also a problem. I think because of the stress of his job, he feels he needs cigarettes. He is pretty high up on the corporate chain of a really big house construction company in Japan. I was wondering if you have any great experiences that we could share with him about the Sabbath day or the Word of Wisdom. He particularly likes me because I have been with him from the beginning! Me and Elder Packer found him 6 months ago raking weeds from a field near his workplace. I walked up and said `hey! that looks rough...are you okay?` and that night, we were able to teach him about the restoration on the spot. It really was a miracle. I am convinced that he is someone that I was supposed to meet in Japan. so right now, we are trying to help him overcome his problems (which are connected to his work). He has a wife and 2 very small children, so it would be really hard to ask him to quit his, we are up to suggestions. He knows what we want him to do, its just he doesnt know for sure if it is right. So, if you had any suggestions or stories, I would greatly appreciate it.

This past week was stake conference, and elder Che from Korea came. It was nice to hear a talk in English again! He was soooo funny...its kinda funny how different Korean and Japanese culture are...the Japanese dont really show their emotion, and are very very straight up and proper (which makes teaching difficult!), while Elder Che just said things how they were, and shared some great and funny stories! Quite refreshing.


Elder Hogge

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