Sunday, February 15, 2009

16 February 2009

Nope, havent tried the octopus yet. I will though, you can have no doubt about that!

Sorry Ive been slacking on the snail mail thing...Time flies soooooo fast! Like, yeah...anyways...

My `dwelling` is at:

Abanekuseru 4-101
Miyaura 5-28-20
Mihara-shi, Hiroshima-ken

and it is soooo nice! Oh my goodness...there weren`t even missionaries in Mihara for a while up until last May, so the apartment is brand-spankin new. And I intend to keep it looking that way!!! Haha. But yeah, Mihara has had just amazing missionaries (and especially seniors) up until now! I learned a lot this past week from our investigators. Yeah, I learn from them. They are so awesome!

This past week was a little hard mentally for me. Im pretty sure I tried thinking too hard and feeling too little. Dad`s letter about following the spirit and becoming an angel hit me at just the right time. Thanks. Pretty sure that was inspired.

Thank you sooo much for the package (again). I was thrilled to see some of my old `package snack` favorites, along with a couple of new additions. Stil havent broken into the pancakes, but it wont be too long! :-) My companion was also a little suprised that I immediately split everything up with him. Thank you for helping to supply us. haha.

Valentines (aka Singles Awareness) Day was good. Dont worry, I know that Im the Lords right now, but it was just interesting to go through the day as a missionary! More gratitude for a locked heart. :-) Well, Im going to try really really really hard to get a snail mail letter sent off, so Ill end here. Thank you! And Love You! My parents and family have been an amazing strength and support to me.

Elder Hogge

Because Elder Muraoka is a cook, I am getting fat.

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