Sunday, March 1, 2009

2 March 2009

Hey Mom. And Dad.

Thanks for the snail mail! I got them last week right at the end of preparation day. Boy, I sure want to go to the temple!

Things are going well in Mihara. This past week, we went to Onomichi twice on bikes, and its a one-hour trip one way, so I got soo waay tired! My companion is convinced that I put on some years. Haha. I dont know which I prefer: putting on years or putting on pounds. Haha, phwew. Im tired. Im getting tired a lot easier these days. Im not the young whipper-snapper I used to be! Haha. Its a good tired.

This week, I had a spiritual experience literally every day of the week. I learned a lot. And wrote it down. You know, just little things. Im beginning to recognize the Spirit more, especially instances where somehow I know where to go, even when I have never been there before. And then, recognizing what to say, even when I have no clue what to say. Im especially starting to recognize answers to my prayers. Its a much more faith-oriented lifestyle. It rocks! Its kinda cool to feel like Nephi of old. As missionaries, all we need to do is plan adequately, study dilligently, remain worthy, and then follow, because the Lord will take us on a ride!

I had interview with President Isa this past week, and faith was one of the biggest things I learned from him. Especially faith in the Lord`s timetable. You need to work hard as a missionary, but you cant push any faster than the Lord has set up for His children! So basically, its just up to us to figure out that pace for each of our investigators and friends.

Wow! Adam and Nicole are both heading out! Thats crazy. Is that three from the Mark Hogges??? Thats cool. And crazy.

Well, next time you talk to Doug, ask him about Onomichi. The church used to be there instead of Mihara. The missionaries were there too.

Also, are you sure there will still be a singles ward when I get back? It might be totally gone by that time! Haha. Ive yet to figure out when Ill be headed home, so dont mark any dates! Ive still got a ways!!

So, thank you all for the love and the letters and the happiness. I know that life isnt all rainbows and roses, but I know that our family has been extremely EXTREMELY blessed. So, dont let the kids complain! Haha. Take care y`all, and have a happy san-gatsu! (March)

Elder Hogge

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