Monday, March 23, 2009

23 March 2009


So, we had transfers last week, and Elder Muraoka left, and Elder Daimler came in. They are so very different! Its very interesting to see the difference between them. However, since Elder Daimler is in just his second transfer, the responsibility on my part has been heightened a little. Therefore, I am tired. :-) But thats okay.

Elder Daimler is amazing! He is very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! He is from Bountiful, Utah, and he has a really interesting story prior to the mission. He was baptized only 19 months ago! His whole family is still Catholic, so its a little hard to be doing this work right now, but he decided to serve on his own. What an amazing testimony! It makes me go back and feel gratitude for my own family who is 100% supporting me to the max! I really appreciate everyone. But this Elder Daimler is a stud! He was an investigator just 2 years ago! So, he has amazing insight on the work. Ya know, Im sure he wouldnt mind a little lovin from his companions family if they feel so inclined to do so...nothing special, just a note or something. Obviously, its a little hard for him as a young missionary. I can see him going through the same things that I did! Its funny how all those young`uns can just overcome most their obstacles with their energy!

Im starting to feel really old. I think its in the knees...but anyways, the work is still going pretty good...lots of stuff to do, theres so much to think about that Im just trying to weed out all the less important stuff and focus on the most important stuff.

And that is definitely Christ and the Atonement. The Atonement is Love. Its pretty awesome. I know it lifts the weak and the weary. I know it gives comfort. I know that its amazing effects are only dependant upon our choices. So, thats why it is so important to make good choices. And then, when all of our choices are `good` choices, make `better` choices. And then, when all of our choices are `better` choices, make `best` choices.

Well, I hope everyone is doing well. Ive come to realize that baseball is like an addiction I am afflicted with, and Im striving to overcome it. Haha, its just so hard when almost every TV around is playing baseball on screen!!!!!! But thats okay. Ill live :-)

And may your week be a great one,
Elder Hogge

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