Sunday, March 8, 2009

9 March 2009

Hey Mom and Dad!

Sorry Ive been writing only one letter recently...theres just so much I learned and want to say, but no time to say it!!

Mom -- I got your snail mail letter about Hilary having a baby. What a shocker!!! Haha. [Jeff's note: Hilary had an assignment in her child development class to take care of a computerized newborn doll for a weekend. Glad that's over. Hard to be compassionate when a computer cries.]

Dad -- I also got your letter. Still not quite sure what a `glimpse of eternity` is, but Im sure Ill recognize if I ever get one.

I am truly grateful for parents who keep in such close touch. Even though I know that Ill be out on my own for most the rest of my life, my parents have been such a great support.

Also, I got the letters from the young folk o` the fam. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, those letters were so great! Not going to lie, they made me want to play a little. But, I still wont have much problem doing as the Japanese say, SHUCHU SHINASAI! Which means, FOCUS! In fact, those letters help me to work harder. Good boost. I will have to write everyone back...we`ll see how that goes!

Im doing great over here. As we planned for this past week (that has already finished), I asked Elder Muraoka, `hey, what kind of week do you want this one to be?` He replied, `special.` We decided to make this past week one that we will remember for the rest of our missions. Not only did it snow, then get really warm, then rain really hard in three days, but we saw absolute miracles! Not anyone walking on water, but pretty close. New investigator, many lessons, many new golden investigators, all in one week. We have been noticing our prayers answered even more and more as time moves on. Its not like we are the most amazing thing that happened to the world since peanut butter, but we have been fine tuning ourselves to the Lord`s will. Like, if you ask for something that God wants and then work really hard to do it, He will help you. In fact, He will use you! Maybe thats it. This past week, its not like we rocked, Im pretty sure Heavenly Father rocked THROUGH us. Like, he put the same picture of the same place at the same time into each of our minds! We went; we knocked on every door. The very very last door was a man who asked where the church was, and then told us straight up right there `Ill Go.` We are certain he was prepared. That kind of thing happened several times throughout the week. I have a firm testimony that the Lord hears our prayers. Thanks to your prayers, we are being led to prepared people. The scriptures are the Lords words. The promises in the scriptures can and will be fulfilled if we are faithful.

The Hiroshima Mission is absolutely exploding. Ive been a part of it for the past year and 3 months, and I have seen it change dramatically. There is so much faith here. So much hope. And, a lot lot lot of work to be done. President Isa is an inspired man of God. He is Nephi. His faith is amazing. He has led us to do the Lords will and receive revelation for ourselves. Its AWESOME!!!

One tip for the elder coming in in May: start now to strengthen your relationship with the Lord. When you pray, dont say things you think you SHOULD say, say things that you are REALLY feeling. And then, `bind the Lord` by doing what He says. (D&C82:10) Start working on having more meaningful prayers right now.

Rubber shoes are great! Especially in the rainy season. Ive seen some missionaries use them, and they are pretty useful with it really really rains! Haha.

Well, my time is almost up. Its been great everyone! Have a wonderful week!!!

Elder Hogge

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