Monday, February 9, 2009

9 February 2009

Hey Mom and Dad.

I didnt want to, but I transfered from Hatsukaichi! I dont know how you guessed it so well. When I got the call I was very very shocked. I did not even guess I would be headed there. Mihara is east of the Hiroshima city and part of the Okayama stake. I had been a part of the Hiroshima stake for almost a year, so it was really really hard to leave. Its tough when you dont know if you will ever see any of your friends again. But, Im going to send everyone mail in Hatsukaichi.

Oh yeah, let me say thanks ahead of time for the package. I got the package slip in the mail, and me and my new comp are going to go pick it up after this.

Speaking of new comp, its Elder Muraoka! He is from Okinawa (the Hawaii of Japan) and hes 25! He will be my 4th junior companion, but not really junior, if you know what i mean! Every one of my junior companions have been older than me. I dont know if i will ever be with anyone younger than me! Haha. But im just fine with that. Hes fun. Hes much more of a soft spoken guy...probably wisened with old age! Haha. But, we are already friends. He is really cool. Not hyper tension. Way relax.

Speaking of way relaxed, MIHARA! This is by far the smallest area I have been in population-wise on my mission, but I can already see how fruitful it will become. About 20 members come to church every week, with 3 investigators who come as well! There are tonssss of investigators! And many many of them are really really close to baptism. Basically, members have been telling us to just ask them about baptism they are so close. One of them is named Momoko. She is 19 and going to college. She wants to get baptized pretty bad, but her folks are telling her to wait till she graduates college (3 years from now) to get baptized so that she can focus on her studies. Its funny, because she already comes to church and all the activities. She is basically a member, but her parents just wont letter her enter the church yet. They live in another area in the mission, so we cant really visit and talk to them. Im considering writing a letter, but we still havent really met with Momoko san, so I dont know. Any advice?

Incredibly, the situation in Mihara is soooo much more relaxed than Hatsukaichi. I know, I dont get it. But Im looking forward to seeing miracles here.

However, there will always be a part of me in Hatsukaichi. I have sooo many letters to write! I will definitely keep in touch with Ito san.

I love you all, and Im doing great. Its a lot more easy to be happy these days. Well, take care!

Elder Hogge

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