Monday, August 31, 2009

31 August 2009


This week felt a nice cool down. Summer is starting to come to a close. The Japanese are very proud of the definite 4 seasons that they have here.

The Takasu area is the smallest in the mission. But that doesn't mean we can even come close to getting around everywhere by bike. :-) We have Nishi-ku (West Hiroshima) and half of Naka-ku (Central Hiroshima). And then we have a bunch of Saeki-ku (MOUNTAINS.). Haven't heard anything about the lady who accepted the Book of Mormon. I hope the sisters in Hikari are getting on that...

Well, that's pretty much the craziest thing ever that Hilary is headed off to college. It will be weird with her being in Idaho when I get back! I hope she is doing well......

On Saturday, we had what was probably my last softball conference in Japan. Kinda sad, but it was awesome! I hit three homers, played the hot corner of third base, and we won it all. There were about 20 members and 20 non-members there. What a great missionary activity!! I made lots of friends.

Yesterday, we had a high council man from Hatsukaichi come and talk about 72 hour kits for the third hour of church. Apparently if you get caught with the new swine virus, you are locked up in your house with your family for a week. So...we need week-kits! Haha. Don't worry, we are 100% virus free and healthy. Following church, we had a meal with the ward. It was rice and watermelon and pickled veggies. We got out and worked a ton, and then we had a meal at one of the member's house! It was awesome! We made our own sushi rolls with tonnns of food. And one of the sisters bought herself a Costco birthday cake and we celebrated her birthday with her! Yay!!

Everyone was amazed that a 23 dollar cake was good to feed everyone and leftovers! In Japan, the cakes cost about 30 dollars and barely feeds a family of 4. They really go for looks here. But let me tell you, Costco cake was sooo nostalgic! Haha.

This week is transfer week -- in other words, the start of my last transfer. No one will move from Takasu, so no worries. Alright, thank you for all your love and support!

Elder Hogge

P.S. I can't believe you photoshopped me in.

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