Tuesday, October 16, 2007

16 October 2007

So the days have flown by! Things are going wonderfully. I have had the opportunity to bear my testimony everyday, and it is surely a strengthening experience.

So there is one older Sister in my district named Hogg Shimai! Our names sound exactly the same! When we get to Japan, we will get name tags with our names in katakana, and our name tags will have the same name on it! Crazy eh? Well, last Friday, we had an LGM and I played piano and she conducted! It was marvelous. The speaker got a kick out of that. I have started to play piano for more meetings now. I absolutely love piano, and I become more happy with all the opportunities I have to serve by playing. Good feelings all around.

So I want to direct you to D&C 123:12. I don't have my scriptures with me, but the scripture really applies to us at the MTC preparing to go to Japan. The people there have been confused, and have never caught a glimpse of life across the veil. They don't know where to find the truth, but we have it, and we are going to bring it to them. It is so exciting! I have found new ways to pump myself up everyday. Usually, the best way is to bear my testimony! Truthfully, I get half scared to death when I go in to teach a lesson. But apparently the spirit likes me or something, because my mouth has been filled with words I didn't even know I had in me! I have been leaning upon the spirit more and more everyday, and I just keep feeling better and better.
Speaking of scared half to death, I have gone to the Referral Center many times in the past couple weeks. That's where people call in to request something from the commercials we air on TV. I get soooo ridiculously nervous when I go. I don't really like talking on the phone. But by the time I am halfway through, I am bookin and time flies and all is well. I have done a bunch of confirmation calls, and one of the calls I had was to a 24 year old girl in Olney! I wasn't sure if Mindy is still there, but I sure hoped that I could get in touch and say "hey, can I send my sister around? She could help you feel wonderful." But unfortunately, there was no answer. I have called several people who have just been delighted with the gospel! You can tell the gospel has blessed them tremedously, and their hearts are full. One girl I spoke to has had the missionaries over twice a week consistently, and she was just soooo incredibly happy. I can't wait to head on over to Japan and help others experience the blessings of the gospel. I am sorta going through tracting withdrawals. I went with the missionaries in Sacramento so often, that I just want to get into the outside world and share the gospel as fast as I can! There are worse things, right? :-)

Well, another thing that has really motivated us a district was a talk Prsident Kimball gave in the 70's. It was his first talk since he was ordained either apostle or president. In it, he promised there would come a day when 5,000 missionaries will be coming out of South America, and he listed off a couple more places, and then he got to Japan. He promised that 10,000 missionaries will be GOING OUT OF, not coming into, Japan! The Japanese people will feel the truthfulness of the gospel, and they will be a great blessing to the world. I know I can further the work through the help of the Holy Ghost.

Well, the Japanese is going great. The older missionaries have just started "nihongo dake" time. (only Japanese). I can carry on a good long conversation in Japanese now, and I know it is through the help of the spirit. Last night me and my companion bore and translated our testimonies to a couple of English elders in Japanese. Oh how marvelous it is to feel the spirit in a different language! This has really helped me understand that the spirit really is a real thing. My goal is to be able to emanate with the spirit wherever I go. If people can say "hey, something feels really good about having those elders over" then I know I am doing what I am supposed to.

Well, I know that my Redeemer lives, and I know that this is the restored gospel on the earth today. Fare thee well, friends and family. I appreciate the dear elder letters. They come in the twinkling of an eye.

Elder Hogge

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