Tuesday, October 9, 2007

9 October 2007

Well, another week is done here at the MTC. Time seems to fly when you are on the Lord's errand. Everything is planned out! It is crazy! Watching General Conference on the big screen in the Gym was way awesome! I didn't fall asleep once -- it was a miracle! I thought Elder Wirthlin's talk was sooo powerful with what was going on. Is he alright? We are shut off from everything in the outside world here.

Happy Birthday Spencer! 15 was my favorite year. I had the most fun just bein my goofy self. I hope school and everything is going well. I hope you love AP Chem like I did. It just felt sooo much nicer to be given credit as a person to work on my own in the college class.

The Japanese is really coming along. When we SYL, things go sooo much better. Our sensei's are so awesome. One of them is a native speaker, and he is way energetic so he gets us pumped up to learn.

So, it really is a small world. Elder Elledge, one of the elders in my district, is from Clovis and he knew Sarah Taylor! Pretty crazy, huh?

Well, I really am learning how to work. I think that I am finally starting to adjust to the intense, 12 hour work schedule. It is sooo refreshing to study from scripture everyday. They are so good to me! Haha.

I just can't wait to serve the people of Japan! I want to get out there and do it now! Just send me with what Japanese I know! Haha.

Last week, the TRC went well. We first met and talked to an investigator and invited her to listen to our message in Japanese. We were horrible! It was funny how much we slaughtered our words and sentences. But I hear that is pretty normal from the first TRC visit. We then taught the Restoration for 35 minutes. My companion and I made a really good teaching combination...We had a plan, but for the most part, we just "winged it" by the Spirit in asking the investigator questions. This week, we are preparing to do door approaches in Japanese. Slightly intense, but I think we will be fine.

I think that the key to my happiness here has been my willingness to trust the Lord. It could be very very easy to get totally overwhelmed with the new language (we have decided that the english speaking missionaries have a cake walk in the MTC) and learning how to teach. When I convince myself that the Lord knows me better than I know myself, and that He will prepare me for this trip across the world, I am comforted. Must be the Holy Ghost, eh? It is sooo vital to have the Spirit. Missionaries need the help of the Spirit to provide a witness to the people that the teachings are true. I like how mostly all of the General Conference talks meant something totally different and I could apply in such a different way than I could back home.

Being with a companion takes a bunch of work. I think Dad was right when he said that I will learn patience. It is totally true.

Well, I hope everyone is healthy and doing well. I am. The older missionaries in our residence hall really help us not feel overwhelmed. They are soo nice and soo fun. I have learned to love so much more here! I love everybody! I love you too Mom!

I am just about out of time, so I will catch ya'll on the flip-side!

Elder Hogge

P.S. I think it is okay for everyone to email me. However, I should only email "the folks". Right now, www.dearelder.com is way more convenient to get to me anyways.

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