Tuesday, October 23, 2007

23 October 2007

Hello all. The MTC is still chuggin along...things are just fine. I am thankful for my righteous upbringing and all the wonderful support I have received just in the past month. Oh yeah, workin on a month! Time flies when you're serving the Lord.

So the other day, while me and my companion were outside, a couple of elders came up and testified to us. One of them was an elder from Nigeria! I had never been in such close contact with an African, so I had to hug him! His accent was soooo sweet. Ah, the little things.

That is when you know you have been in the MTC a long while. Eigo (English) Elders are coming and going like last weeks news. Not that I'm jealous or anything, but I want to get out into the field really bad.

So my service activity here is taking down the gym after fireside and devotional sunday and tuesday. Last week, when I went to work, guess who I saw? Elder Browning. That's right. We have the same service! What a once in at least 50 shot. It is sweet having someone from home to see every once in a while.

Speaking of fireside, Sister Sheri Dew came and spoke this past week. She was really good. My companion was fearful that all the elders would come out feeling really bad and all the sisters would come out feeling like a million bucks, but all was well. She talked about having an interview with President Hinckley. She admitted she had made a mistake, and told President Hinckley: "I wish I were smarter." Without hesitation, President Hinckley replied: "I wish you were smarter too!" Haha, the prophet is truly an incredible man. The sense of humor is icing on the cake!

Thanks for the talk, dad. I haven't had the chance to read through it all, but I liked the intro. I thought you weren't one to write down everything you say...?

We had our first snow here. It was soooo refreshing and wonderful. Sometimes being here reminds me of school last year, and I get a tad "outside-world" sick, but then I think about Japan! Totally worth it.

It is so awesome hearing about Jesse's call. Somebody should tell him that he will totally rock the MTC. Especially in basketball. Even I feel good about myself here! Needless to say, there is a reason many of the elders here are on missions and not in the NBA.

Oh, speaking of gym, volleyball is amazing! I think of Paul everytime I play. I remotely regret not playing during high school. I know Paul and Bryce would have really liked that.
The language is moving along...moving along...starting next week, we will be teaching exclusively in Japanese. I am not worried, but that doesn't mean I am not humbled. I know I can't teach in Japanese. But with the help of the Lord, anything is possible! The older elders here are leaving for Japan in less than a week, and they are stoked about it! I am sooo excited for them. That means in a couple weeks, we get kohai (new elders)! I am so ready to be one of the older elders around here.

So I bought little colored tabs to put in my scriptures, and it makes me feel really awesome about myself. Haha, as sad as that may seem, I feel like more of a scriptorian now! The tabs make it legitimate! I'm telling you! I challenge all of you to read about Aaron, one of the sons of Mosiah. The change in him is amazing! Read Alma 21:5-13. That is Aaron preaching as a "flip book" elder and getting cast into prison. Ammon gets him out and goes on a split with him. Now read Alma 22:4-11. Notice a change? Instead of teaching a lesson, Aaron started teaching the people. That is what we have to do as missionaries. Quit focusing on the lesson, and start focusing on what we can do to help the people!

Well, Fare thee well, people of the west. May the Lord be with you always!

Elder Hogge

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