Tuesday, October 2, 2007

2 October 2007

Hello all! First week in the MTC has been wonderful. My Preparation Day is on Tuesday, obviously. :-) It is kinda scary being out here, but it truly is a marvelous work and a wonder. We have had 5 days of Japanese study, and we have already gone through most of what I learned in 4 years! It is so amazing what you can do when you have the Spirit to help you! My companion is from Spanish Fork and he was a member of Men's Chorus. He is quite a character! Haha.

Gym is the best thing that has ever happened. Yesterday, basically my whole floor went across the street to the field to play beach volleyball, kohai (new elders) versus senpai (older elders). It started to rain in the middle of the game, and it was sooooo refreshing! Don't get me wrong, I love wearing suits all the time, but it was nice to go barefoot in the sand with nice crisp air to breathe. Ogden Choro (Elder Ogden) from my hall at BYU is just a couple doors down from me. He is sooo fun! He is one of the senpai, and he knows the language sooo well. Many of the other senpai are inspirational. They are soo humble in their learning of the language, and they have turned their will over to God.

You can see it in their eyes.

Well, speaking of humility, I have been humbled very very much by the great task ahead. I have already gone through an emotional rollercoaster. But last night, I received a witness of the divinity of this calling. I literally felt a burning inside of me, telling me that God loves me. The joy I felt was amazing! I wanted to share that feeling with everyone around me! Already, I can't wait to be over there in Japan to help the people feel the joy of the gospel in their lives. I love serving!

The food here is just as I expected from having a year's worth of it at BYU. I like to think I am kinda expert about it. The chocolate milk is amazing, and the ice cream is to die for. Don't worry mom, I am being fed well!

I have found that I feel my best when I am sharing my humble testimony with others. Sunday, I gave my whole testimony in Japanese after just learning how to testify the night before. I am living proof of the gift of tongues! When you are focused on the Lord's work, everything "works out for your good."

We have had several LGM's (Large Group Meetings) in the past couple of days, and I absolutely LOVE President Boone. Everytime he speaks, you can feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost. He makes all of us happy inside.

From just the couple of days here, I have felt a dramatic difference in my countenance on days that I read the Morumonsho (Book of Mormon) and days that I don't. There is sooo much going on here, with all of your day scheduled, that sometimes we don't prioritize as we should. The Book of Mormon lifts my spirits everytime I even glimpse at it! If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith really was a prophet of God, this gospel truly is the restored gospel, Jesus really is our Christ, and God really is our Heavenly Father. Such is the converting power of the Book of Mormon.

Tell Hilary I felt inspired to pray specifically for her last night. The Lord loves her.

Tell Spence and Willy that there is no time like the present! To Spencer, work on bringing friends to church. To Willy, love freely!

I love being able to go to the temple every week. I haven't been yet, but I can already feel the blessings.

To end, let me offer my humble testimony.

Kono fukuin ga shinsetsu dearu to shitteimasu. (I know this gospel is true) Kazoku no shukufuku desu. (It is a blessing to families) Kamisama wa ten no otoosama dearu to shitteimasu. (I know that God is our Heavenly Father) Minasan o aishiteimasu! (I love everyone!) Iesu Kirisuto no mina ni yotte akashimasu. Amen. (I testify in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen)

Elder Hogge

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