Monday, October 12, 2009

12 October 2009

Hey Mom.

This past week of General Conference was AMAZING!!! Elder Ballard talked directly to RMs for a little bit in Priesthood, and all the elders in the English room turned and looked at me. Haha. It was great. I love being a missionary. I will continue to be one. It's awesome. I'm going to miss Japan, but I will enjoy the US and my family. :-) I have been waiting to say that for a little while. I'm doing good at leaving no regrets. 4 investigators came to General Conference, including Miyahara san and her husband. Its great. However, we are about to start setting up for a ping-pong tournament we are having on "taiiku" day in Japan. So, I have to go. I will see you soon. I love you!

Thanks for your love and support,
Elder Hogge

Monday, October 5, 2009

5 October 2009

Hey Mom.

We get to watch Conference this upcoming weekend because if they broadcasted it on time, the hours would be really weird. However, Bishop Akagi announced a part of it in Sacrament Meeting. Let me make this a story.

When I was in the MTC, I really got used to going to the temple once a week. It was awesome all 10 weeks. When I got to Japan, I had a rough time not being able to attend the temple, especially since I was first transfered to Shimonoseki, the closest area to the Fukuoka Temple. I was somewhat lonely, me and my companion the only Americans in all of Shimonoseki. At that time, I started to pray: "Dear Heavenly Father, I miss the temple so bad. There are so many people here in Japan, but they need to feel the blessings of the temple. Please bless that another temple will come to Japan." And so I prayed continually. Nearly 2 years later, with that same prayer in my heart, I went to my last sacrament meeting in Japan as a missionary, and the bishop announced from General Conference that a temple was set to be built in Sapporo, Japan. Okay, so it wasn't anywhere near where I was in Hiroshima, but that didn't matter. The Lord answered my prayer! Because I chose to extend, I was able to hear the announcement of another Japanese temple in the native land and tongue. What a blessing that was. It was pretty good.

So yeah. That is all I have heard about conference, but I am already looking forward to it. This past week, we picked up Miyahara san's husband's last bit of whiskey. He is done with alcohol. We are really excited and ready to help him. We are also trying to help the wife increase her faith. We really want to solidify that baptismal date.

Well, we had a big meeting as a zone this past week, and it was the last meeting I had to run as a missionary. It went pretty well. We talked about Pres. Utchdorf's "The Way of the Disciple" and we focused on not becoming just missionaries, but becoming disciples. Disciples are code for super members. And like Pres. McKay said, "Every member a missionary." So, we really tried helping our zone with more exact obedience. So, yeah. It went pretty well. Going to work hard this next week.

I'm glad Spence and Hil liked their letters. I got an email from Hil. that was good.

Thank you for your love and support,

Elder Hogge

Monday, September 28, 2009

28 September 2009

Hey Mom.

Nope, havent had any getemono here. I just looked up that word in my dictionary and it said: a product of folkcraft; an odd thing; a grotesquerie. Nope, havent had to deal with that...luckily. Haha. Well, the weirdest cut of meat I have had was raw liver alllll the way back in Shimonoseki 1/2008. That was weird. The Japanese actually kind of take pride in how much they dont eat meat here. Its kind of funny.

I hope WIllie is doing better. I assume he is. Tell him Im rooting for him!

That would be really great if you could check up at EGHS for a tutoring opportunity for me. Kiuchi sensei was my teacher. I havent gotten in touch with her for so long, but I hope it would be alright once I get back. Ill pretty much work as hard as I can minus Sunday.

Oh Mom...Im glad I have things to do when I get back, but its just hard seeing it. Of course, there is still tons to do here. So, we are getting and staying busy. We have Zone Meeting tomorrow that we are about 30% done planning and after that, exchanges again with the APs. I have really grown close to them. And then, we are going reaaally far on Thursday to visit all the members who live far out away from the church.

Well, we met Rin last Monday night and talked about the First Vision and the Book of Mormon and gave him a Book of Mormon, but we havent been able to get in touch after that. I was also able to go all the way up to Hamada this week on exchanges. It is sooo beautiful there and the air is sooo fresh and clean. I really do love Hamada.

Miyahara san is doing well. We successfully challenged her husband to the Word of Wisdom last week, and we are going to pick up the last of his alcohol on Wednesday. Cigarettes are still tough, but were working on it.

So yeah, thank you for all your love and support! I really do appreciate it!

Elder Hogge

P.S. Im healthy and working hard!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Two Weeks of Joey Emails

14 September 2009

Hey Mom.

No new car? Aww....but that's okay. :-) In all reality, the Lord has already blessed me with an early birthday present.................

Last week was transfer calls, which will be my last. And here in Takasu, we got a "bean!" When I say bean, I mean "new missionary!" Yeah. Me and Elder Takanishi are now in a threesome with Elder Hirst -- straight from the MTC. So, along with being Zone Leaders, we are also co-Trainers now, too. It's sooo fun. I actually prayed for another companion two weeks ago. The Lord answers prayers. This kind of situation has never happened in the mission so far. So, we are pretty stoked.

Yeah, it would be fine to go to the temple on Saturday afternoon. That's so great that the temple is so busy. Trying to get the Japan temples the same way. :-)

Well, this last 6 weeks are going to be the craziest of my mission. I can really feel the urgency and importance of this time. Especially knowing that I chose to stay out here longer. That's big motivation to work really really hard. :-)

Thank you for all your love and support. I am really really really looking forward to those pictures. Thanks a lot. Hope everything goes well in Idaho and Utah!!!! Be safe.

Elder Hogge

21 September 2009

Hey Mom.

I would like to go to the temple Thursday mornings...there's just one thing -- I need to find a job!! Haha. It's been probably one of the biggest worries for me recently. I do NOT want to go back and sit around all day! Haha. If I can work around Sundays and Thursday mornings when I get back, I will be totally down for going to the temple for that session.

No matter what, I decided to go to the temple weekly when I get back. If I could get work to line up with that, then I will go. But either way, I will go weekly. That being said, any leads on October/November/December jobs? Haha. I will do just about anything.

Well, Miyahara-san is doing very well. Her testimony is growing very quickly. We don't have to ask her to come to church, she tells us she will before we can ask! She is now helping her husband! She has helped him stop coffee for 1 week now, and she is doing a lot to encourage him to stop tabacco and alcohol. Quite amazing. She is helping him more and faster than I think we could have ever. He is really great. He just thinks it will take a long time to be able to prepare for baptism. I think one of the best ways for new converts (or investigators) to grow their testimonies is to help out in the conversion of those loved ones around them. It sure is helping Miyahara-san.

As for Elder Hirst, he is now in Kure filling in for a missionary who bruised his knee pretty bad and had to be sent to stay in the mission office for recuperation. Its somewhat sad not having Elder Hirst, but I'm sure this is giving him the growing opportunities he needs.

Alright, well, ready to get going on another week. Things are going great. We are teaching the most I have ever taught on my mission. I love it. Oh yeah, it might be interesting to note that we met a guy named Rin from Taiwan who is 24 years old knocking doors the other day. He has become quite a good friend already, and said he would listen to the message, too. But get this: HE'S A KINGS FAN!!! OH YEAH!!! We do a lot of finding, but this is probably the first/last time I will ever meet a Taiwanese Kings Fan living in Japan. So, that was probably the golden nugget of the week. :-)

The Lord is directing us to those prepared to hear the message as long as we are purifying ourselves. It's really great.

Thank you for your love and support,
Elder Hogge

Monday, August 31, 2009

31 August 2009


This week felt a nice cool down. Summer is starting to come to a close. The Japanese are very proud of the definite 4 seasons that they have here.

The Takasu area is the smallest in the mission. But that doesn't mean we can even come close to getting around everywhere by bike. :-) We have Nishi-ku (West Hiroshima) and half of Naka-ku (Central Hiroshima). And then we have a bunch of Saeki-ku (MOUNTAINS.). Haven't heard anything about the lady who accepted the Book of Mormon. I hope the sisters in Hikari are getting on that...

Well, that's pretty much the craziest thing ever that Hilary is headed off to college. It will be weird with her being in Idaho when I get back! I hope she is doing well......

On Saturday, we had what was probably my last softball conference in Japan. Kinda sad, but it was awesome! I hit three homers, played the hot corner of third base, and we won it all. There were about 20 members and 20 non-members there. What a great missionary activity!! I made lots of friends.

Yesterday, we had a high council man from Hatsukaichi come and talk about 72 hour kits for the third hour of church. Apparently if you get caught with the new swine virus, you are locked up in your house with your family for a week. So...we need week-kits! Haha. Don't worry, we are 100% virus free and healthy. Following church, we had a meal with the ward. It was rice and watermelon and pickled veggies. We got out and worked a ton, and then we had a meal at one of the member's house! It was awesome! We made our own sushi rolls with tonnns of food. And one of the sisters bought herself a Costco birthday cake and we celebrated her birthday with her! Yay!!

Everyone was amazed that a 23 dollar cake was good to feed everyone and leftovers! In Japan, the cakes cost about 30 dollars and barely feeds a family of 4. They really go for looks here. But let me tell you, Costco cake was sooo nostalgic! Haha.

This week is transfer week -- in other words, the start of my last transfer. No one will move from Takasu, so no worries. Alright, thank you for all your love and support!

Elder Hogge

P.S. I can't believe you photoshopped me in.

Monday, August 10, 2009

10 August 2009

Hey Mom and Dad

Didn't feel the earthquake at all. I think. Haven't heard a single thing about it here, either. This next week is called "obon" here in Japan. It basically means that everyone goes to their hometown and worships their ancestors. And there are HUGE fireworks at Miyajima. We are going to go watch them with our investigators! :-) Boy, have I really come to love the investigators and members here. I don't even want to think about how it will be leaving.

So yeah, the work is sometimes pretty rough here, but we are really blessed with so many investigators and friends and strong members. I'm just trying to work with my companion a little. Bridging the culture barrier maybe.

Mom, I have never had a "Japanese watermelon." All of the watermelons here are pretty much green and pink. Just like home! Haha.

This past week was sooo exhausting! But it was great. Things went well at Zone Conference. And then I went to Kure on exchanges. There is a big submarine museum there. It is about a 2 minute walk from the Elders' apartment. Pretty cool! I got back to Takasu, then we had an FHE with the couple missionaries in our ward and 4 investigators. We played Jenga. It was really fun. Then one of the elders from Hatsukaichi came here to Takasu to work with me. He is a very big, red-headed Australian! Haha. It was great reminiscing about Hatsukaichi. Then, on Saturday, we went to the Stake Presidency meeting in the morning and talked about the missionary work in the Stake. It was intimidating, but then not at the same time. I had worked a lot with both the Stake President and President Isa before, and it was great feeling the spirit. Right after presidency meeting, we had a baptismal service for Fujita-san. Elder Takanishi performed the baptism, and I gave the talk about baptism and the Holy Ghost. The asleep-to-awake ratio of people in the congregation was pretty good. I consider that a success. :-)

On Sunday, Fujita-san was going to be confirmed. He did his best to walk up the stairs, but then gave up because of his condition and went home. Dagger! But that's okay. We already have the confirmation set up for next Sunday. That was pretty crazy...AND, to go on top of that, I had a talk in sacrament meeting! Haha. Guess what my topic was: Unifying as a Family in Prayer. It went very well. I wish I had recorded it. I talked about growing up praying with my family often and the impact it has on me now as a missionary. It really does have an impact. And, when we pray, we can unite our will to the Lord's. When we do that, we can also unite as a family or companionship. Prayer is definitely a lesson I have learned for the rest of my life. Sunday does not seem like much of a sabbath sometimes, but that's okay. It's the Lord's work. :-)

I got the postcard from Mendocino today! Thank you! The longer I have been on the mission, the more postcards like that have meant to me. I wish you could send me the smell of Mendocino. I kinda take that back. Rotting seaweed isn't that great. Okay, so maybe just the smell of camping. Haha. The mission is going by so fast. I don't know what I'm going to do! Haha. Also, I have had no time to think about a major for school. When do I need to get signed up for classes, do you think?

Thank you for everything!!! I hope Mel is doing alright. It's so weird that she left after me and now she is home before me. It's like I missed missing her! Haha. Be sure to tell her I say what's up and I want to email her sometime.

Well, as for pictures, inside and outside of house...Bradford dunking on the basketball hoop...Spencer rocking in his band or just rocking in general...photographic evidence that Mel is really home...Mari...and of course, my loving Mom and Dad. :-) Haha. Not completely necessary, but would be fun to have. :-)

So yeah, this week shouldn't be so crazy (thank goodness!) so we should be able to focus a whole lot more on our investigators. I'm definitely looking forward to that.

thank you for all your love and support. LOVE YOU!!
Elder Hogge

Sunday, August 2, 2009

2 August 2009

Hey Mom.

The rain is finally starting to let up. Now, the intense heat comes. But thats okay. I prefer dry heat ANY DAY over pouring, wet heat. So, Im happy. :-)

This past week was pretty good. My companion finally got over the virus he caught, and now we are both healthy and working hard. Ive come to really like Elder Takanishi. We are seriously having a whole lot more fun. I have found that when we are sick or hurt or dont get out of the apartment as much for this reason or that, we arent as happy as when we are always outside. I think it is an eternal principle that work = happiness. In the Gospel Principles book, President David O. McKay has a quote: "Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that the power to work is a blessing, that the love of work is success." I agree full-heartedly with that.

This past Sunday, four investigators came to church. One of them is scheduled to be baptized this next Saturday, and he asked me to do the confirmation on Sunday. Yeah, thats in Japanese. Im sure it will be fine, but I know I need to prepare myself. I have never done that ordinance, not even in English! So this will be fun. Hopefully, I will have good news to report next week.

I got a really strong desire to go to the temple this past week. I want to go to the temple sooo bad. Soooo baaaad. I want to go like once a week when I get back. At least the Saturday I get back. :-)

Well, Im glad everyone is doing well and vacationing hard. Waydago! I am healthy and happy and thankful for your love and support. Talk to you later!

Elder Hogge

Monday, July 20, 2009

20 July 2009

Hey Mom. Its pouring here, but everytime I walk outside, my glasses fog up! Thats how hot it is. Haha. Well, it is the last week of the transfer, so my companion goes home in 4 days! Yeah, his mom must be pretty stoked. Haha. Sorry, I know it has got to be hard for you. But its totally okay. You got me for eternity. :-) My bet is that a quite young missionary will come in and I will become senior here (which is pretty safe seeing that Im going home pretty soon!) But yeah, things are going well. We had 8 investigators at church Sunday, and it was the most I have heard of for one companionship on my mission here. So, we are pretty stoked about that. We have 2 people really really close to committing to baptism with one already with a date.

Well, I think I got the package from a while ago, unless you sent anything else. :-) Oh yeah, I was kinda thinking about postponing the birthday this year because if you send anything, Im going to have to either eat it pretty quick, or carry it with me back home. :-) Oh yeah, in order to study Japanese, there is a good book called Remembering the Kanji written by a guy named Heisig. It may be a fun birthday present. :-)

Cool cool. Im glad things were going well in John Day. I hope you have a good week.

Love you,
Elder Hogge

Monday, June 15, 2009

15 June 2009

Hi Dad:

Unfortunately, I have been transfered. It was incredibly hard to leave Mihara because the branch there was so small that the missionaries play such a major role. I can honestly say that I love those people. Im sure you know the feeling. Fortunately, I love the new area and companion! I am now in a place called Takasu which is code for `the very biggest intercity part of Hiroshima.` The ward here is about 50 people strong, and my companion has been out here for almost the whole two years. And, I have been called to serve as a Zone Leader. I know it doesnt mean much, but I am very excited. I have had such a great time studying Christlike leadership, and now I have been given an even bigger opportunity to be a Christlike leader. It is the biggest zone in the mission by far, and it is full of my old areas and old companions. I am very excited. We are really taking what you said to heart and finding all the time. No matter what we are doing, no matter where we are going, we talk to people. I have found the Spirit a lot stronger in my life just in the past 5 days from talking with everyone. Thank you. I am also excited to be able to lead this zone. We give instructions twice a transfer, so if you have any ideas, I really really do want to hear them. I just want to help unify the zone and work off of the amazing job of missionaries past. Well, sorry for blabbering on and on and on. Im just really excited. Its nice because I am pretty much assured how my mission will turn out. No worries about that. Now, I can just focus and work work work. I love it!

No way! You saw Aaron Gacilan! Thats making me feel old as a missionary.... But I can only imagine the kind of joy you feel from seeing these guys grow up. I get excited when investigators read from the Book of Mormon! Haha.

Question: is the mission plan established for California only for California? Do you think the Brethren would have something in store for Japan? I kinda want to share what you have shared with me, but I just dont know if it would be right.

Well, I love you and Mom. Havent gotten an email from mom, but thats okay. Ill shoot her one. Oh yeah, here is my new address:

Kougokita 1-21-29
Porarisukougokita 2bankan 204

Elder Hogge

Monday, May 25, 2009

25 May 2009

Hey Mom.

Here, its either hot or rainy. But not all that hot and not all that rainy yet. So, we are good for a liiiiiiiiiiittle while longer. :-)

Our investigators are doing well here. Waki-san came to church, and even though he is 77, he is really starting to remember things and the members and stuff. So he is great. I dont know, not a whole lot is happening! Haha. We are just trying to help our investigators understand the importance of the Spirit. If everyone knew how amazing the baptism by fire is, the baptism of water would be a no-brainer to accept! So, thats what we are working on. The best part of working with them is that all of them are our friends. Its really great. I really feel like a Mihara-jin (or a Mihara-n or a Mihara-ese, something like that. :-) )

Well, today, after we finish emailing, we are going to head over to McDonalds and eat out for the first time in a long while, then hit up the 100 yen store to grab supplies for commandment posters we are going to make for Waki-san to help him remember. Haha. And then, we are going to watch one of President Monson`s talks with Waki-san and a member today. After that, we are going to head over to the train station and try to find more friends. Or at least bump into some of our already good friends. Mihara is just so small and we know so many people and absolutely everyone goes to the train station, so something is bound to happen! Haha. The train station is definitely the BIGGEST part of town. Everything revolves around the train station. this is Japan! Haha.

As for emails, I receive them from you, Dad, and Mindy weekly. I really enjoy them. I dont know, I just dont hear much from anyone these days. I guess that way it is easier to focus totally on our friends here in Mihara! :-) Truthfully, my favorite letters are the ones from family (the kids too!!). I also write my MTC companion (who is in Fukuoka) post cards. We have a good system so one person writes and sends, then the next person writes the next week and sends. My MTC companion is actually companions with the son of the stake president I worked with in Hatsukaichi last year! Yeah, I went out working with him then. So thats kinda fun.

Well, we have been making basically all of our food these days, and I learned a new one: Its called Oyako-don. Chicken, onions, carrots in a men sauce (like soy sauce) and water boil. And then you add mixed up eggs right about when everything is done cooking. The name is great because `oya` means parent, and `ko` means child, and `don` is like something over rice. We use chicken and eggs, so its parent and child over rice! Haha. I thought that was clever. :-) Im definitely wanting to keep cooking throughout my life.

We are going to keep working hard here, and my allergies acted up just a little last week, but theyre fine now. Thank you!!!!

I love you, Mom. Have a great day!
Elder Hogge

P.S. Happy early summer to the kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Dad.

Can I first off say thanks for the Dear Elder? I was really really really trying hard to figure out what kind of role us as missionaries have in this little Mihara Branch of 15 people. When you and your companion are 2 out of the 15 people, you figure you need to do something to help with responsibilities. I am thankful for your advice (from the viewpoint of a former bishop and present stake presidency member). Sometimes I just want to sit down with the branch president and just ask straight to his face: `What do you want us to do???` We never really get any straight answers when we ask, so Im glad you helped fill us in.

I really liked your scripture for this week -- 1 Corinthians 3:18-19. My loving Heavenly Father has helped remind me several times recently that no matter how wise I think I am, I am foolish without the Lord. I really like Proverbs 3:5-6 `Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.` It is such a simple statement, but I didnt really understand for the first 20 years of my life that `trusting in the Lord` means `dont rely on yourself!` Haha. Once I started to figure that out, missionary work has become much more fun and clear to understand. I love it.

Well, Thanks for everything. The rainy season should be coming soon. I like to say when we are out working hard and it is pouring here, they are filling up the baptismal fonts in Brazil (or Argentina for the other Elder Hogge :-) ) Things are good. Will work harder.

Love you,
Elder Hogge

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

11 May 2009

Thanks Mom! It sure was great talking. Im glad everyone is doing well. We are too. I felt bad for Elder Daimler. I remember my first call. Its just hard thinking about how much long there is ahead. It will all go by so fast, as it has for me. Well, I guess I should write a little about what is going on here. :-)

Waki-san -- our 77 year old investigator committed to baptism. He is a really sweet, older man. He lives alone and his wife is hospitalized in a very very far hospital. He doesnt have very much money, so he cant visit her much. We are glad to help him make many friends and bring him closer to Christ. He really likes Christ. We are always praying for his memory to improve. :-)

Momoko-san -- 19 year old girl I was talking about who is basically a member already. We finally met her Mom (who had been very opposed to baptism) and she was very nice. We will meet with Momoko tonight to see how her Moms stay went.

Iwagi-san -- 60`s year old husband of a member. He comes to church every week, reads the D&C with his wife everyday, and studies the Liahona than most members. Its just faith. We are trying to help him pray and get in contact with our Heavenly Father. We know that is the key.

Fukuyo-san -- 30 year old guy. He is another amazing investigator and really really really good friend. He has been through some rough stuff, and it is really hard for him, but he is turning to the Lord in prayer. He studies more than most members and participates in church more than most people. He keeps all the commandments. Everyone is just kinda wondering when he will step up to the plate and receive the baptismal committment. We are trying the hardest we can to encourage and help him be happy.

Those are the really big investigators we are working with. Its just that the progress in them is very slow, so if I wrote every week, it wouldnt be much. :-) I love Mihara. Truth is, I asked the Lord for a little more time in Mihara, and He saw in His Mercy to allow me to stay. I know for a fact
that I was really really close to leaving. I just love the people here too much.

Well, sorry you caught us being tracted by the JWs. They are very nice, but it is so different without the Spirit. I know that this is the only true church that is being led by revelation and the spirit. I want to help the members share the gospel here sooo bad, but I feel like they just want us to find and do everything ourselves. Its tough when it is the missionaries using the ward instead of the ward using the missionaries. But, we will work hard. :-) No doubt about that. :-)

I hate to leave, but its almost time up, so have a great day!!!!

Love you!
Elder Hogge

Monday, May 4, 2009

4 May 2009

No transfer. It was pretty much a miracle since almost every other area had a transfer. Im very happy to still be here in Mihara. We are ready for miracles!! :-) Me and Elder Daimler are doing well. Today, we are visiting Onomichi for the holiday of Golden Week. Just a random week off for Japanese people. Lots of people from all over the place here! :-) Well, please tell the kids I say `ganbare` for the AP tests (that means basically, HANG IN THERE!!!!) I hear from everyone here that there is some pig flu going around. Is everyone okay? Japan hasn`t hit, so absolutely 0 need to worry here, so please DONT! Haha. Well, I will talk to you in just a little while! :-)

Love you!
Elder Hogge

Monday, April 13, 2009

13 April 2009

Dear Mom:

Thank you for Easter. We really appreciate the amaazing package with 4 delicious pounds of peanut butter. I feel almost bad for taking up so much money! So, I have decided to share as much as I can. We already made the peanut butter cookies and have taken them to people in the branch. I am so blessed. Thank you. There is really no such thing as Easter in Japan, even though the Japanese word for Easter literally means `Celebration of the Resurrection.` Little sad, eh? Thats why we decided to spread the cheer!!!

I got the email from Grandma Buck, and I saw all the pictures -- including the delicious Cinnamon Rolls.......haha. and my 3 sisters who dont really look like sisters at all (by Japanese standards). However, it has come to my attention that I might be tempted to look at the pictures at other times throughout the week, so I would greatly appreciate some hard copies so I can keep them with me. :-)

Thank you so much for looking up the Japanese stuff for me. Im all for testing out of language stuff! As long as I can keep my Japanese up... I would also love the conference addresses...there is now only 1 Liahona per english companionship, so I would much rather not quarrel. :-)

Mom, might I add that you may be more `trunky` than me! Haha. I didnt even remember the Mothers Day call until you emailed. Now Mother, I certainly laughed at that. Still pending when I will be coming home as well. Im just so bad at making decisions!

Anyways, this family is changing so, So, SO much! And its all for the better. A part of me wants to see it all, but then the rest of me says `nah, youll only be a missionary for so long!` So dont worry about me. The knees are doing much better, and I am happy.

Well, love you Mom!
Elder Hogge

Monday, March 30, 2009

30 March 2009

Dear Mom:

Hey. Before I forget...peanut butter and quick-make-cookie-mix!!! Oh yeah!!! Way excited for a package. Maybe, a pack of skittles each. Please make sure there is stuff that we can easily split and share. Sharing is caring, it can beeeeee fun.

We have fast sunday next week, and then watch Conference by DVD the week after. Can I just tell you how excited I am??? Its like Christmas for a missionary. Its kinda like getting the news only twice a year. I love it!

Thanks for the letter. Youre the Bomb! Could I by any chance get a little more detailed information about the Japanese `Foreign Language Achievement` test? I kinda want to know what kind of things I should be studying -- lots of kanji or grammar or vocabulary or what...

I just read 2 Nephi 4 this morning. It was good. I especially liked verse 35, the first couple phrases: `yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, IF I ASK NOT AMISS.` You know, we always hear those promises about prayer, how God will give us what we ask, but often, we dont see those requests come true and we get frustrated. Like, its because we need to ask for the right things! I know Ive said a lot about this before, but I feel like saying it again. We arent here to order our Heavenly Father around. We are here to humble ourselves and depend on Him. So, we should be trying to do the things He wants us to. If we try doing what He wants us to do, what we will ask in prayer will be fulfilled. (Even though it may take a while). Okay, no clue why I decided to talk about that to you, Mom, but I just felt strongly about that! haha.

Besides that, my knees are starting to wear down a little. Any tips? Im pretty sure its just muscle/joint fatigue from riding bikes a lot. I do stretches and stuff everyday, but I was wondering if there was some magic fix-up...

Phwew. All about me. Sorry. I love you Mom. Thank you for all your support and help. It is very good to hear `I miss you, but stay out there!` Haha. Thank Hil for the note for me. And give Spence a knuckle sandwich full of medicine for me. Willie...hes going to beat me in like everything when I get back...but that wont be for a while... :-)

Thank you for all your help.

Elder Hogge

Monday, March 23, 2009

23 March 2009


So, we had transfers last week, and Elder Muraoka left, and Elder Daimler came in. They are so very different! Its very interesting to see the difference between them. However, since Elder Daimler is in just his second transfer, the responsibility on my part has been heightened a little. Therefore, I am tired. :-) But thats okay.

Elder Daimler is amazing! He is very bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! He is from Bountiful, Utah, and he has a really interesting story prior to the mission. He was baptized only 19 months ago! His whole family is still Catholic, so its a little hard to be doing this work right now, but he decided to serve on his own. What an amazing testimony! It makes me go back and feel gratitude for my own family who is 100% supporting me to the max! I really appreciate everyone. But this Elder Daimler is a stud! He was an investigator just 2 years ago! So, he has amazing insight on the work. Ya know, Im sure he wouldnt mind a little lovin from his companions family if they feel so inclined to do so...nothing special, just a note or something. Obviously, its a little hard for him as a young missionary. I can see him going through the same things that I did! Its funny how all those young`uns can just overcome most their obstacles with their energy!

Im starting to feel really old. I think its in the knees...but anyways, the work is still going pretty good...lots of stuff to do, theres so much to think about that Im just trying to weed out all the less important stuff and focus on the most important stuff.

And that is definitely Christ and the Atonement. The Atonement is Love. Its pretty awesome. I know it lifts the weak and the weary. I know it gives comfort. I know that its amazing effects are only dependant upon our choices. So, thats why it is so important to make good choices. And then, when all of our choices are `good` choices, make `better` choices. And then, when all of our choices are `better` choices, make `best` choices.

Well, I hope everyone is doing well. Ive come to realize that baseball is like an addiction I am afflicted with, and Im striving to overcome it. Haha, its just so hard when almost every TV around is playing baseball on screen!!!!!! But thats okay. Ill live :-)

And may your week be a great one,
Elder Hogge

Sunday, March 8, 2009

9 March 2009

Hey Mom and Dad!

Sorry Ive been writing only one letter recently...theres just so much I learned and want to say, but no time to say it!!

Mom -- I got your snail mail letter about Hilary having a baby. What a shocker!!! Haha. [Jeff's note: Hilary had an assignment in her child development class to take care of a computerized newborn doll for a weekend. Glad that's over. Hard to be compassionate when a computer cries.]

Dad -- I also got your letter. Still not quite sure what a `glimpse of eternity` is, but Im sure Ill recognize if I ever get one.

I am truly grateful for parents who keep in such close touch. Even though I know that Ill be out on my own for most the rest of my life, my parents have been such a great support.

Also, I got the letters from the young folk o` the fam. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man, those letters were so great! Not going to lie, they made me want to play a little. But, I still wont have much problem doing as the Japanese say, SHUCHU SHINASAI! Which means, FOCUS! In fact, those letters help me to work harder. Good boost. I will have to write everyone back...we`ll see how that goes!

Im doing great over here. As we planned for this past week (that has already finished), I asked Elder Muraoka, `hey, what kind of week do you want this one to be?` He replied, `special.` We decided to make this past week one that we will remember for the rest of our missions. Not only did it snow, then get really warm, then rain really hard in three days, but we saw absolute miracles! Not anyone walking on water, but pretty close. New investigator, many lessons, many new golden investigators, all in one week. We have been noticing our prayers answered even more and more as time moves on. Its not like we are the most amazing thing that happened to the world since peanut butter, but we have been fine tuning ourselves to the Lord`s will. Like, if you ask for something that God wants and then work really hard to do it, He will help you. In fact, He will use you! Maybe thats it. This past week, its not like we rocked, Im pretty sure Heavenly Father rocked THROUGH us. Like, he put the same picture of the same place at the same time into each of our minds! We went; we knocked on every door. The very very last door was a man who asked where the church was, and then told us straight up right there `Ill Go.` We are certain he was prepared. That kind of thing happened several times throughout the week. I have a firm testimony that the Lord hears our prayers. Thanks to your prayers, we are being led to prepared people. The scriptures are the Lords words. The promises in the scriptures can and will be fulfilled if we are faithful.

The Hiroshima Mission is absolutely exploding. Ive been a part of it for the past year and 3 months, and I have seen it change dramatically. There is so much faith here. So much hope. And, a lot lot lot of work to be done. President Isa is an inspired man of God. He is Nephi. His faith is amazing. He has led us to do the Lords will and receive revelation for ourselves. Its AWESOME!!!

One tip for the elder coming in in May: start now to strengthen your relationship with the Lord. When you pray, dont say things you think you SHOULD say, say things that you are REALLY feeling. And then, `bind the Lord` by doing what He says. (D&C82:10) Start working on having more meaningful prayers right now.

Rubber shoes are great! Especially in the rainy season. Ive seen some missionaries use them, and they are pretty useful with it really really rains! Haha.

Well, my time is almost up. Its been great everyone! Have a wonderful week!!!

Elder Hogge

Sunday, March 1, 2009

2 March 2009

Hey Mom. And Dad.

Thanks for the snail mail! I got them last week right at the end of preparation day. Boy, I sure want to go to the temple!

Things are going well in Mihara. This past week, we went to Onomichi twice on bikes, and its a one-hour trip one way, so I got soo waay tired! My companion is convinced that I put on some years. Haha. I dont know which I prefer: putting on years or putting on pounds. Haha, phwew. Im tired. Im getting tired a lot easier these days. Im not the young whipper-snapper I used to be! Haha. Its a good tired.

This week, I had a spiritual experience literally every day of the week. I learned a lot. And wrote it down. You know, just little things. Im beginning to recognize the Spirit more, especially instances where somehow I know where to go, even when I have never been there before. And then, recognizing what to say, even when I have no clue what to say. Im especially starting to recognize answers to my prayers. Its a much more faith-oriented lifestyle. It rocks! Its kinda cool to feel like Nephi of old. As missionaries, all we need to do is plan adequately, study dilligently, remain worthy, and then follow, because the Lord will take us on a ride!

I had interview with President Isa this past week, and faith was one of the biggest things I learned from him. Especially faith in the Lord`s timetable. You need to work hard as a missionary, but you cant push any faster than the Lord has set up for His children! So basically, its just up to us to figure out that pace for each of our investigators and friends.

Wow! Adam and Nicole are both heading out! Thats crazy. Is that three from the Mark Hogges??? Thats cool. And crazy.

Well, next time you talk to Doug, ask him about Onomichi. The church used to be there instead of Mihara. The missionaries were there too.

Also, are you sure there will still be a singles ward when I get back? It might be totally gone by that time! Haha. Ive yet to figure out when Ill be headed home, so dont mark any dates! Ive still got a ways!!

So, thank you all for the love and the letters and the happiness. I know that life isnt all rainbows and roses, but I know that our family has been extremely EXTREMELY blessed. So, dont let the kids complain! Haha. Take care y`all, and have a happy san-gatsu! (March)

Elder Hogge

Sunday, February 15, 2009

16 February 2009

Nope, havent tried the octopus yet. I will though, you can have no doubt about that!

Sorry Ive been slacking on the snail mail thing...Time flies soooooo fast! Like, yeah...anyways...

My `dwelling` is at:

Abanekuseru 4-101
Miyaura 5-28-20
Mihara-shi, Hiroshima-ken

and it is soooo nice! Oh my goodness...there weren`t even missionaries in Mihara for a while up until last May, so the apartment is brand-spankin new. And I intend to keep it looking that way!!! Haha. But yeah, Mihara has had just amazing missionaries (and especially seniors) up until now! I learned a lot this past week from our investigators. Yeah, I learn from them. They are so awesome!

This past week was a little hard mentally for me. Im pretty sure I tried thinking too hard and feeling too little. Dad`s letter about following the spirit and becoming an angel hit me at just the right time. Thanks. Pretty sure that was inspired.

Thank you sooo much for the package (again). I was thrilled to see some of my old `package snack` favorites, along with a couple of new additions. Stil havent broken into the pancakes, but it wont be too long! :-) My companion was also a little suprised that I immediately split everything up with him. Thank you for helping to supply us. haha.

Valentines (aka Singles Awareness) Day was good. Dont worry, I know that Im the Lords right now, but it was just interesting to go through the day as a missionary! More gratitude for a locked heart. :-) Well, Im going to try really really really hard to get a snail mail letter sent off, so Ill end here. Thank you! And Love You! My parents and family have been an amazing strength and support to me.

Elder Hogge

Because Elder Muraoka is a cook, I am getting fat.

Monday, February 9, 2009

9 February 2009

Hey Mom and Dad.

I didnt want to, but I transfered from Hatsukaichi! I dont know how you guessed it so well. When I got the call I was very very shocked. I did not even guess I would be headed there. Mihara is east of the Hiroshima city and part of the Okayama stake. I had been a part of the Hiroshima stake for almost a year, so it was really really hard to leave. Its tough when you dont know if you will ever see any of your friends again. But, Im going to send everyone mail in Hatsukaichi.

Oh yeah, let me say thanks ahead of time for the package. I got the package slip in the mail, and me and my new comp are going to go pick it up after this.

Speaking of new comp, its Elder Muraoka! He is from Okinawa (the Hawaii of Japan) and hes 25! He will be my 4th junior companion, but not really junior, if you know what i mean! Every one of my junior companions have been older than me. I dont know if i will ever be with anyone younger than me! Haha. But im just fine with that. Hes fun. Hes much more of a soft spoken guy...probably wisened with old age! Haha. But, we are already friends. He is really cool. Not hyper tension. Way relax.

Speaking of way relaxed, MIHARA! This is by far the smallest area I have been in population-wise on my mission, but I can already see how fruitful it will become. About 20 members come to church every week, with 3 investigators who come as well! There are tonssss of investigators! And many many of them are really really close to baptism. Basically, members have been telling us to just ask them about baptism they are so close. One of them is named Momoko. She is 19 and going to college. She wants to get baptized pretty bad, but her folks are telling her to wait till she graduates college (3 years from now) to get baptized so that she can focus on her studies. Its funny, because she already comes to church and all the activities. She is basically a member, but her parents just wont letter her enter the church yet. They live in another area in the mission, so we cant really visit and talk to them. Im considering writing a letter, but we still havent really met with Momoko san, so I dont know. Any advice?

Incredibly, the situation in Mihara is soooo much more relaxed than Hatsukaichi. I know, I dont get it. But Im looking forward to seeing miracles here.

However, there will always be a part of me in Hatsukaichi. I have sooo many letters to write! I will definitely keep in touch with Ito san.

I love you all, and Im doing great. Its a lot more easy to be happy these days. Well, take care!

Elder Hogge

Monday, February 2, 2009

2 February 2009

Hey, the computer just erased my whole email, so this will have to be a little short...sorry!

I dont know absolutely anything about transfers. I suggest sending the package to the mission office. :-) Thanks, I really appreciate and feel the love.

This past week, we met with Ito san twice, which was quite a treat! He is a genius at understanding gospel principles. He wants to get baptized, but because Saturday and Sunday are his busiest days (leave home at 7, get back around 10!) the Sabbath day and coming to church are both very hard. Smoking is also a problem. I think because of the stress of his job, he feels he needs cigarettes. He is pretty high up on the corporate chain of a really big house construction company in Japan. I was wondering if you have any great experiences that we could share with him about the Sabbath day or the Word of Wisdom. He particularly likes me because I have been with him from the beginning! Me and Elder Packer found him 6 months ago raking weeds from a field near his workplace. I walked up and said `hey! that looks rough...are you okay?` and that night, we were able to teach him about the restoration on the spot. It really was a miracle. I am convinced that he is someone that I was supposed to meet in Japan. so right now, we are trying to help him overcome his problems (which are connected to his work). He has a wife and 2 very small children, so it would be really hard to ask him to quit his, we are up to suggestions. He knows what we want him to do, its just he doesnt know for sure if it is right. So, if you had any suggestions or stories, I would greatly appreciate it.

This past week was stake conference, and elder Che from Korea came. It was nice to hear a talk in English again! He was soooo funny...its kinda funny how different Korean and Japanese culture are...the Japanese dont really show their emotion, and are very very straight up and proper (which makes teaching difficult!), while Elder Che just said things how they were, and shared some great and funny stories! Quite refreshing.


Elder Hogge

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

26 January 2009


This week was great. A lot of prayers, a lot of prayers answered, and even some progress with our investigators. Last night we had dinner with one member family, and they invited one of their friends and after dinner we had a simple family home evening about families and happiness and the gospel then we committed her to hear the lessons. It was ideal with the members there to testify and provide encouragement. Pretty much textbook PMG missionary work. I know that there is a reason the prophets always talk about the importance of member referrals. For the first time on my mission, we were able to do that smoothly.

Besides that, we watched `finding faith in christ` with a couple of our investigators and it was really good.

We were challenged this past week at Zone Meeting to try more to understand the atonement. And so, we are trying to remember it everyday here. Starting to realize how it feels to be rejected by those whose salvation you desire. Just starting to.
Things are starting to really move here thanks to the members and Heavenly Father. In fact, time is pretty much running out for me we are soo busy!

So, Ill just leave this email a little short. Please forgive me.

elder Hogge

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

12 January 2009

Hey Mom! I always appreciate the email.

I am way excited for Adam! You know, I want to believe the old saying that for every door knocked here, another person receives baptism in S. America. When it pours really really hard when we are out working here, I like to say that they must be filling the baptismal font on the other side of the world! Haha. He will do great!

Of all the missionaries in Hiroshima, about half are from the states, a third are from Japan, and the rest are from Australia and Brazil. Theyre cool.

Its snowing right now. January and February are the coldest months here, and it shows! Ya know, I kinda prefer the snow to rain. Sure, its pretty darn cold, but at least we dont get all wet.

Ill get on the electric razor. I will make sure that its ready usable in the states.

My companion is absolutely amazing! The members here are lighting up with referrals, and we are soo busy visiting people, that weve got no time! Its pretty cool. Last week, I came down with a cold, but dont worry, Im over it. And yes, I rested a bit, drank lots of water, and all that fun stuff.
Im good! :-)

Well, thank you for everything. You are the best.

Elder Hogge

P.S. Will you be my valentine? Haha.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

5 January 2009

Dear Mom,

Yeah, you were right. There was no place to do email last week. Im still fine. All is well. Another week in Hatsukaichi! Yeah, the Japanese had their `Christmas season` last week. So, we worked hard none the less, even though sometimes not very many people were home or answered their doors.

My companion is Elder Goto from Gifu prefecture. Truthfully, I was a little apprehensive about becoming his companion, but he is awesome!!! He is one STUD of a missionary. He works hard, but has quite the goofy side -- just like me!!! Really fun to work with. We have really been working hard for the members, so we passed around sheets for everyone to fill out the names of their less active member friends, how we could help, and when we could meet them, and then we got to work. Elder Goto`s goal is to become the kind of missionary that a member would want to refer their friends to. I think that is excellent. So, in order to do so, we are working hard to help the less actives come to church. It was particularly effective this week because it was hard to do regular tracting. So, we taught a lot of lessons with less active members. And guess what? On Sunday, 3 less active and 1 kind of active members came! So, we saw that as a great success. We hope to continue that. That was probably the big highlight of the week.

Well, sounds like everything is pretty good out there! I cant believe my Mom plays the bass! Speaking of, a member played solo bass for us at a meal, and he was AMAZING! So yeah. Way exciting. I was also very happy to hear that Ben got his mission call! Yeah! Way to surprise me about Clayton! What about the other Galena guys? I dont really know anything...

Well, I hope everyone has a great rest of the holidays!

Love Yalls
Elder Hogge